This is calculated by the body mass index, that is, the body mass index. The calculation method of body mass index is that the number of kilograms of height is divided by the square of the number of meters of weight. That is to say, if it is 64kg kilograms, it is divided by 1.85 meters and then divided by 1.85 meters, and the value is about 18.5.
The body mass index is 18.5-23.9, which is a standard weight. If it is less than 18.4, it is considered thin. If it is between 24 and 27.9, it is considered overweight. If it is greater than 28, it is considered obese.
Inaccuracy of body mass index
Body mass index is not suitable for people: 18 years old, athletes, the elderly who are doing weight training, pregnant women or lactating, weak or sedentary.
Because of the error, the body mass index can only be used as one of many standards to evaluate the individual's weight and health status. Because the body mass index does not take into account a person's fat ratio, a person with an overweight body mass index may not actually be obese.
For example, a person who practices fitness will have a body mass index of more than 30 because of his heavy muscle weight. If their body fat rate is low, they don't need to lose weight.