What medicine ointment does golden hair dermatosis use?

1, common symptoms of golden hair dermatosis

Golden retriever is one of the long-haired dog breeds, and skin disease is one of its common diseases. The symptoms of golden retriever dermatosis are various, and the most common symptoms are itching, peeling, shedding, redness and dandruff. At the same time, the dog's head, abdomen, elbows, buttocks, legs and other places of the skin often appear depilation, itching, peeling, damage and other phenomena.

If the dog has the above symptoms, it is likely to be troubled by skin diseases. At this time, the pet owner should take the dog to the doctor in time.

2. The choice of drug treatment for skin diseases in Golden Retriever dogs.

The drugs used to treat skin diseases with golden retriever mainly include hormones, antibacterial agents and antifungal agents. Among them, hormone drugs take effect quickly and can alleviate the symptoms of dogs, but stopping them for a short time may lead to aggravation of the disease. Therefore, the dosage and use time of hormone drugs must be mastered, and it is important to remember that they cannot be abused.

In antibacterial aspect, golden retriever dermatosis can be treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics, such as cephalosporins. If the condition is serious, you can use more powerful drugs, but you must use them under the guidance of a veterinarian.

In addition, according to the different conditions, you can also use a variety of antifungal drugs, such as itraconazole. However, the use of antifungal drugs takes a long time, lasting for weeks or even months or even years.

3. Prevention of Golden Hair Dermatosis

The best way to prevent golden retriever dermatosis is the usual life care. Pet owners should minimize their pets' exposure to pollutants and keep dogs and the environment clean and hygienic.

In addition, besides living hygiene, diet is also one of the comprehensive elements to prevent skin diseases. It is undoubtedly beneficial to reasonably match the nutritious diet and maintain the nutritional balance of pets.

4. Golden Hair Dermatosis Ointment Use Guide

If golden retriever has skin disease symptoms, veterinarians usually prescribe ointment to apply. Before using ointment, pet owners should pay attention to the following matters:

First of all, we must complete the cleaning and anti-inflammatory treatment of dogs. In the process of cleaning, you can use professional shampoo, but don't use conventional soap and shampoo, otherwise it will make Golden Retriever feel worse.

Next, apply ointment. When applying the medicine, the pet owner should be half a veterinarian, and carefully check every piece of skin to ensure that the ointment is applied to every inch of skin. At the same time, you must remember to use the ointment according to the veterinarian's schedule, and apply the ointment in time according to the marked times and intervals.

Finally, it is suggested that the veterinarian is still the best guarantee for the dog's skin health during the pet visit. Seeing a doctor in time, following the veterinarian's advice, and choosing the appropriate drug plan can make the dog recover in the shortest time.