Chongqing Beibei Hearing Aids Sharing: In-ear headphones or headphones, which is more harmful to hearing?

The human ear can safely perceive sounds below 70 decibels.

The average volume of normal speech is 60 decibels.

Long-term exposure to noise above 70 decibels will lead to hearing loss.

Noise exceeding 85 decibels can cause permanent hearing loss.

The maximum sound output of ordinary headphones can reach 1 10 dB.

When listening to music with headphones, please pay attention to the "60-60" principle, that is, the volume should not exceed 60% of the maximum volume of the device, and the time for listening to headphones should not exceed 60 minutes. In addition, when you are in public transportation, it is not recommended to use headphones to listen to music, because the external noise is loud, and you will unconsciously increase the volume, which will lead to too loud headphones and damage your hearing.

In-ear headphones are directly inserted into the ear canal, which makes the internal space of the ear smaller, but the volume will increase in a small space. Therefore, when the volume of in-ear headphones is too large, the risk of ear damage will be greater. In comparison, earmuffs will be safer.

Comparatively speaking, headphones are more comfortable to wear, and have better sealing performance and sound insulation effect. In addition, high-end headphones have active noise reduction function, which can be worn in noisy environment and can be heard clearly without increasing the volume.

It is unreasonable to expect people not to listen to music, because music is one of the important elements in people's lives. But you should also protect your hearing, so you need to use headphones reasonably, control the volume and duration of use, and try to use earmuffs.