What's the difference between big ternary and small ternary of hepatitis B?

You're talking about hepatitis B, Big Three Yang and Small Three Yang. "Big and small three yang" refers to two different results of "hepatitis B antigen two-and-a-half test" (referred to as hepatitis B two-and-a-half test). The first pair of "two halves" refers to surface antigen (HBsAg) and surface antibody (anti-HBs), the second pair is E antigen (HBeAg) and E antibody (anti-HBe), and the third pair is core antibody (anti-HBc) and core antigen (HBcAg). Because all the core antigens in liver cells have been assembled into hepatitis B virus, there is no free core antigen in serum, so only half of the third pair, namely the core antibody, can be detected in peripheral blood, so it is called two and a half.

"Big Three Yang" means that surface antigen, E antigen and core antibody are all positive. It is generally believed that "Big Three Yang" is highly contagious and is more likely to evolve into chronic hepatitis B..

"Xiao Sanyang" means that all surface antigens, E antibodies and core antibodies are positive. The difference between "Big Three Yang" and it is that the former is positive for E antigen. Usually transformed from "Big Three Yang", the human body has a certain degree of immunity to E antigen. It is generally believed that "Xiao Sanyang" is less contagious. However, for some people who are negative for E antigen and E antibody, the hepatitis B virus infected by them may be infected by a mutated virus strain, and they cannot express E antigen and E antibody. However, if HBV-DMA is still positive, it means that viremia exists and is still contagious.

No matter "Big Three Yang" or "Small Three Yang", it only reflects the situation of carrying virus in human body, and can't reflect whether liver function is normal, so it can't be used to judge the severity of the disease. If you want to know the situation of liver function, it's best to go to the hospital regularly (3 months to 6 months) to have two and a half tests of liver function and hepatitis B.