The fact is, whether you want to prove that it is unhealthy or completely edible, you can easily find all the expert opinions you need to support your case somewhere on the Internet, and then post a link. This is one of the reasons why I won't.
Another reason is that I don't think it matters what my experts say, or how many of them say so, because this problem is not related to science as all of us pretend. This is about religion.
Moreover, for those who don't eat creatures forbidden by the gods, such as pork and shellfish, anyone's discovery will not change their minds-not necessarily because they are anti-scientific, confused or stupid, but because they realize that many natural facts have been revealed by ancient classics long before scientific discovery.
Those who think that the Bible was conceived and written entirely by men are equally determined to refute the findings that contradict their positions.
So, can we all stop pretending to be willing to examine each other's "scientific evidence" fairly and go our separate ways?
If you (like me) think pork is unfit for human consumption, then don't eat it. If you have eaten pork for decades, you think eating pork is almost a green light. Why should I worry?
Of course, I do know that some people have religious doubts about eating it and will judge others for eating it. Let me solemnly declare that I think this is an unholy thing.
Can Catholics eat pork?
Yes, there is no limit to what Christians can eat, although Catholics like to eat fish on Fridays to show their self-control.