The electronic health pass card needs to be managed by travelers' self-declaration and commitment, big data platform verification, and unit management personnel verification and distribution. Travelers apply for travel online, fill in relevant basic information and make a promise of authenticity. The provincial national health information platform is verified according to the big data records related to the background epidemic.
Retired workers are also citizens of China and need to apply for electronic health cards. The retirement age of employees refers to the age when employees should not continue to work after reaching a certain age, but should quit their jobs. The legal retirement age of enterprise employees is 60 for male cadres, 55 for female cadres and 50 for female employees. For workers engaged in underground, high temperature and other heavy physical labor or other jobs harmful to health, the retirement age is set at 55 for male workers and 45 for female workers, 50 for male workers who are disabled due to illness or non-work-related injuries and 45 for female workers.