New knowledge of health

It is a natural law that people are born, sick and dead, and so is our brain. Around the age of 22, the human brain reaches its peak, and then it begins to age slowly.

0 1 brain "shelf life" is only 30 years.

The Journal of the American Medical Association once pointed out that the human brain

What a terrible number. When we thought we were young, our brains began to decline.

However, it will decrease year by year, especially after the age of 30, and it will decrease at the rate of 10000 per day after the age of 40. After the age of 60, the total brain volume will drop by about 0.2% every year; By the age of 65, about 15% people will have Alzheimer's disease, and the incidence of Alzheimer's disease will exceed 30% after 80 years old.

Six symptoms indicate that the brain is aging.

The more consistent the following symptoms are, the more alert you should be to brain aging.

1 partial heart disease

Heart diseases such as heart failure and atrial fibrillation, due to the weak or incomplete contraction of the heart, will lead to the reduction of blood discharged by the heart, thus affecting the blood supply of the brain and leaving the brain in a state of ischemia and hypoxia for a long time.

2 Intestinal injury

The intestine is called the "second brain" and is closely related to the brain. If the intestine is damaged and these two neurotransmitters are not produced enough, it may lead to stress brain diseases and accelerate brain aging.

On the other hand, there is a connection between intestine and brain, which is called "intestine-brain axis". If the intestinal tract is diseased, it can break through the blood-brain barrier through the vagus nerve, damage the brain and cause brain diseases.

3 Poor eating habits

Big fish and big meat: the saturated fatty acid content in animal fat is high. Eating too much for a long time will easily increase the risk of atherosclerosis and affect the blood supply to the brain. Studies have shown that people with high blood cholesterol are 3.5 times more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease than ordinary people.

Love sweets: Long-term excessive intake of sugar will cause disorder and decrease of insulin secretion. At this time, brain neurons can not make good use of glucose, which is easy to damage brain cells.

Eating too salty: a high-sodium diet will interfere with the reception of signals by vascular endothelial cells and hinder the expansion of cerebral vessels. After a long time, it is easy to induce hypertension, cause chronic cerebral hypoxia and ischemia, and accelerate cerebral cortex atrophy.

Eat too little staple food: carbohydrates in staple food can provide necessary glucose for the brain. Eating too little staple food, the brain can't get enough glucose, and brain cells are more vulnerable to damage.

4 bad sleep habits

Cerebrospinal fluid has the function of "cleaning" the brain, can take away the "garbage" produced by brain cells, and is more active during sleep, increasing by 60% than when awake. If you often stay up late or suffer from insomnia, it means that the brain is still working to produce "garbage", and the cleaning ability of cerebrospinal fluid is not as good as sleep. Over time, it is easy to increase the risk of brain decline.

Do things in the same way

When people reach a certain age and have experience in many things, they are always used to doing these things in the most familiar way.

However, if life is so regular and unchangeable for a long time, it will easily make the brain lose the opportunity to accept challenges and try new things, which is not conducive to maintaining good cognitive function and accelerating brain degradation.

How to delay brain aging

The brain needs to work constantly every day, sometimes even overloaded. Coupled with the stimulation of some diseases, bad living habits, mental stress and other factors, aging seems close at hand. How can we delay brain aging and keep the brain healthy?

1 Have some "brain tonic"


Eggs are the most commonly eaten eggs. Because of their comprehensive and rich nutrition, they are called "the ideal nutrition bank for human beings". Egg yolk is rich in lecithin, sterol, egg yolk, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A, vitamin D and B vitamins, which is beneficial to improve the function of nervous system. Therefore, eggs are also good brain food.

Generally speaking, an egg a day will not cause cholesterol to rise, so you can safely eat it. Other foods rich in lecithin are: soybeans, peanuts and so on.

Eat fish:

Fish is the best source of brain tonic, and both marine fish and freshwater fish have good brain tonic effects.

Relatively speaking, the brain tonic effect of freshwater fish is better than that of marine fish. It is especially important for the development of the brain, which can promote the abnormal activity of brain cells and enhance the ability of reasoning and judgment. Silver carp head can not only strengthen the brain, but also delay the decline of brain power.


Eating walnuts can replenish the brain. Walnut is a kind of nut, and it also contains many trace elements such as calcium and iron necessary for human body. It is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, and its n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are extremely rich, which is an important part of phospholipid formation in brain cells.

If you eat it regularly, it is very good for your brain. The skin wrapped with walnut kernel is rich in polyphenols and has antioxidant effect. Adequate intake is beneficial to brain health.


Green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach and lettuce are cheap and inconspicuous, but they are brain-nourishing vegetables. Because spinach is rich in vitamins A, C, B 1 and B2, it is one of the "best suppliers" of brain cell metabolism. In addition, it also contains a lot of chlorophyll, and it also has the function of strengthening the brain and improving intelligence.

2 Healthy sleeping and eating habits

Don't stay up late, relieve brain fatigue, eat a balanced and scientific diet, and provide adequate nutritional protection for the brain.

Keep doing some simple exercises.

Such as jogging, walking, cycling, etc. It is found that aerobic exercise can provide more blood to the brain, which is conducive to maintaining the activity of cognitive function of the brain and slowing down memory decline.

Don't drink and smoke.

This can reduce the possibility of cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension and diabetes can damage capillaries in the brain. In order to delay the aging of the brain, control blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol, and maintain a healthy weight.

5 Participate in social activities

Positive social relations can effectively stimulate the brain, so we should take part in more social activities.

6 trance

Studies have found that being in a daze can give our nervous brain a positive rest. Stress is a kind of "toxin" accumulated in the brain. To maintain brain power, it is necessary to relieve stress, because long-term exposure to high pressure will cause encephalopathy to release free radicals, stress hormones and other substances harmful to brain cells.

Therefore, we should learn to adjust our mood, be in a daze, meditate and listen to music to relax our body.

Move your fingers often.

Frequent finger movements, such as rubbing fitness balls, drawing, writing and carving, can stimulate the cerebral cortex and prevent brain aging.

Because the area of the cerebral cortex that dominates finger movement accounts for almost 1/3 of the motor area of the cerebral cortex. At the same time, we should consciously use the left hand to stimulate the work of the right brain, improve the blood supply of the brain, prevent the premature atrophy of the right brain, maintain the balance between the left and right hemispheres, and delay the aging of the brain.