What is the most basic individual right?

The first basic individual right is the right to life and health.

Brief introduction to the right to life and health;

The right to life and health is a kind of personality right. Divided into the right to life and health. The right to life is the premise of citizens' existence as human beings and sovereignty as rights, and it is also the basis for citizens to exercise other civil rights. The existence of life and the enjoyment of the right to life are the highest personal interests of everyone. Therefore, protecting life from illegal infringement is the first and most important human right of citizens.

The right to health, also known as the right to physical health, includes both physical and mental aspects. During the existence of life, citizens must maintain the integrity of human tissues and the normal functions of human organs, otherwise they cannot participate in civil activities with their own actions.

Reasons for defending the right to life and health:

1, life is the most precious thing for people, and health is an important prerequisite for people's happy life and even life safety.

2. The right to life and health is the basis for citizens to participate in all social activities and enjoy all other rights.

3. Once you lose your life, any right loses its meaning, and the right to life and health is the most fundamental personal right of citizens.

The content of citizens' personal rights and personal freedom rights;

Individual rights of citizens:

The personal right of citizens is the most basic right of citizens, which contains a wide range of contents. But it mainly refers to people's rights such as life, health, personality, reputation and personal freedom, as well as rights directly related to people, such as the right to inviolability of citizens' houses.

In order to effectively protect citizens' personal rights, democratic rights and other rights from infringement, China has stipulated in a special chapter "Infringement of citizens' personal freedom rights and democratic rights"

< criminal law > article 13 1 clearly stipulates: "citizens' personal rights, democratic rights and other rights shall be protected from illegal infringement by anyone or any organ. If the circumstances of illegal infringement are serious, the person directly responsible shall be given criminal sanctions. "

The content of personal freedom:

The content of the right of action is that the subject of the right controls his own behavior independently within the scope prescribed by law, and no one else can hinder it. As an independent personality right, the right of chastity, marital autonomy and the so-called right to know all belong to the right of action. China's General Principles of Civil Law regards marital autonomy as an independent personality right. The right to know is introduced in the privacy part. This section only introduces the right of chastity.