What do you think of healthy narcissism and unhealthy narcissism?
Everyone has a degree of self-awareness, which is worse than the actual degree. The degree of self-identity is called "inferiority", and the degree of self-identity is called "confidence", while the degree of self-identity and self-appreciation is much worse than the actual situation, which is called "narcissism". The prominent signs of narcissism are self-standard and self-concern. They project their attention to their narrow selves and demand people and things around them with their own fixed standards. When people and things around him meet his subjective standards, they show happiness or satisfaction; When people or things around you do not meet their own subjective standards, they will show negative emotional States such as inhibition, anger and anxiety. Narcissism is a residual child component in the process of our spiritual development, which will not only seriously hinder the healthy development of our personality, but also be recognized by some psychotherapists as the total root of all mental diseases. Scott, the most influential psychotherapist in contemporary America. Parker said that uncontrolled narcissism is the main precursor of psychological and mental illness, and narcissism is an excessive self-concern. How to get rid of narcissism? Give up a single self-standard, learn to look at the problem from the perspective of others, expand your interest range, expand your spiritual space, get out of the ego and move towards a bigger society. What is narcissism? Narcissism, also known as narcissism, shadow love or narcissus disease, refers to the state in which individuals madly love their bodies and have a strong sexual desire for themselves. This is a sexual deviation that takes oneself as the sexual object. Narcissists are rare, and the possible reasons for narcissism are: 1. Family environment Single-parent families play an important role in the formation of narcissism. The affection and intimacy between a single parent and an only child can contain sexual content, which can often make children have the same consciousness or subconscious. In addition, parents divorce because of bad feelings, so the resentment and dissatisfaction of the father or mother towards each other often appear in front of the children, making them feel that others are unlovable and should not be contacted, which leads to narcissism. 2. Improper parenting styles Parents often praise and spoil their children consciously or unconsciously in front of their children or others, especially the one-child family in China is the main body of society. Parents' doting on their children makes their children think highly of themselves from an early age, which often becomes the basis of narcissism. 3. Psychological factors Some parents are too close and fond of their children, especially the father-daughter relationship, and the mother is too fond of her son, which makes some children tend to identify themselves with the opposite sex parents and become narcissistic. 4. Lack of peers. There is a lack of heterosexual and homosexual couples in the only child family. If parents do not encourage children to make friends, do not provide conditions for children to make friends, or even hinder them, it will encourage narcissism. 5. Traumatic experience If some adults have problems that are difficult to solve in communication with their sexual partners, or have suffered a major mental or physical blow, they can lose interest in heterosexuality or homosexuality and become narcissists. Narcissists can be seen in both men and women, showing that the sexual object of narcissists is self, usually shadow love. That is, I had a strong sexual desire for the local people at that time and regarded myself or my mirror image as the object of sexual behavior. Narcissists are generally not interested in the opposite sex, but have a certain interest in the same sex, but they must be members similar to themselves. Their sexual behavior is mostly masturbation, sexual dreams, sexual hallucinations and other masturbation activities. Sometimes it involves same-sex or opposite-sex sexual activities, but they don't love each other, but imagine sexual activities as another self having sex with themselves. Such patients have a strong subconscious of self-love. Love for others is incidental, showing consistent apathy emotionally, and showing no concern for things around and others. Many patients have obvious individualism and egoism. They usually exaggerate themselves, praise themselves and express themselves, and often fantasize that they are superior in appearance, talent and ability. Have a narcissistic mentality in the emotional and inner world. In interpersonal communication, it is manifested as self-centered, self-centered and extreme treatment. When criticized, frustrated or failed, they will show anger, inferiority, shame, and often overreact and depression. Once narcissism is formed, it is generally difficult to correct it. Therefore, narcissism should be the main prevention measure, and proper care and reasonable education for children are very important measures. As long as the reasons are found out in time, proper education is carried out, the environment is adjusted and improved, and children are encouraged to participate in more group activities and communicate with their peers, the narcissistic behavior of children and adolescents can be eliminated. For narcissists with obvious symptoms of mental depression, psychotherapy can generally achieve better results. Treat them with a kind and gentle attitude, help them understand the defects of their personal character and establish the confidence to correct them. Generally acceptable, the more difficult the situation, the better the curative effect.