When is the travel itinerary code updated every day?

The trip code is updated once a day, and the data of the previous 14 days will be updated at 8- 10 every morning.

The communication itinerary card can query the domestic and international itinerary of the individual in the first 14 days. Accurate to domestic provinces and cities (staying for more than 4 hours) and abroad. For example, on September 15, calculate the travel data in the days before September 15 14 (between 0: 00 on September 1 day and 24: 00 on September 14).

Principles of travel code

The travel code obtains the location of the base station connected to the user's mobile phone by analyzing the signaling data of the user's mobile phone. So which cities have you been to? As long as the mobile phone is turned on, the operator can find out your travel trajectory by analyzing the base station data, and then upload the data to the travel code system.

The new version of travel itinerary code was renamed as Communication Big Data travel itinerary. When the Alipay Health Code page is opened, the mobile phone number of the associated user will be prompted. After the approval, the trip to the area within 14 days can be found.