Learn how to control your appetite in a healthier way.

Learn how to control your appetite in a healthier way.

Eating control is easier said than done. There is always a time when it is difficult to control the desire to eat. Is there any healthy way to reduce the desire to eat, naturally reduce the intake of calories, and then bring the effect of losing weight?

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You can lose weight by reducing calorie intake. It doesn't seem difficult at all. However, there is a problem. Your stomach always protests and growls until you eat.

Scientists explain that even if you consciously control yourself to eat less, your body will still send a signal that there is not enough food. Moreover, the more you control it, the more you oppose it, and the more hunger hormones your body will produce that will force you to eat. Your body will instinctively resist diet control, which doesn't mean that you will become a bottomless pit for eating.

You can try the following tips, which can not only calm your stomach, but also flatten it.

Nutritionists always advise us to eat some lean meat, protein, which is very reasonable.

It is these protein that can make you feel fuller than other nutrients, and it takes your body longer to digest and absorb them. But, you may not know, when to eat is also very important. A study done by Purdue University found that eating some lean protein for breakfast, such as Canadian bacon, egg white or low-fat yogurt, will make you feel fuller than eating at other times. Joan Sacchi Black, an associate professor of clinical nutrition at Boston University, suggested that eating about 30 grams of protein in the morning would make you feel full all day.

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People who lose weight by eating less or no carbohydrates and food avoid eating potatoes. In fact, potatoes have super energy to reduce your appetite!

It contains a special kind of starch, which can resist the action of digestive enzymes to some extent. Dr Catherine Bierce, an associate professor of clinical nutrition at the University of Utah, said that it takes longer for your body to digest potatoes, so potatoes stay in the intestines for a longer time, which can delay the emergence of hunger. At dinner, eat a baked potato (a medium-sized potato has only about 100 calories) or a potato salad (use a little vinegar instead of salad dressing). Of course, it is best not to eat fried potatoes (such as French fries and potato chips). They are too high in calories to be used as fat-reducing foods.

In the process of losing weight, not eating fat at all is not a good strategy.

According to a study in Cell Metabolism, the unsaturated fatty oleic acid contained in olive oil, nuts and avocados can help reduce hunger. In the process of digestion, this unsaturated fat will be converted into a compound, which indirectly signals your brain to be full. Sally Greaves, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association, said that although these unsaturated fats help reduce appetite, you should pay attention to controlling your food intake. The proportion of unsaturated fat in your daily calorie intake should not exceed 20%. Grieves suggested that you can take 1/4 avocados, 20g nuts and two teaspoons of natural peanut butter as snacks for a day, which can not only bring satisfaction, but also reduce appetite.

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Going to the gym to exercise can not only burn more calories, but also help you reduce your appetite!

A study in the American Journal of Physiology shows that after 60 minutes of high-intensity aerobic exercise, 1-2 hours can lead to loss of appetite. Dr David Stacey said: "Aerobic exercise can lower your auxin level and increase the number of hormones in your body that suppress appetite. In order to maximize the effect of suppressing appetite, you can slightly increase the intensity of your aerobic exercise, such as turning the exercise into an interval. Adding short bursts and sprints in sports can consume more energy. )

After Jane Fonda's aerobics became popular on DVD, grapefruit diet was no longer popular. But now it seems that grapefruit is making a comeback.

A study on nutrition and metabolism at Cripps Clinic in San Diego showed that those who ate half a grapefruit per meal lost an average of 3.6 pounds in three months. Dr Ken Fujioka, the lead researcher of this study, said that these orange-red fruits reduced the postprandial insulin level, which is an important hormone to control blood sugar concentration and fat metabolism.

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A study by the University of Rhode Island found that those who chewed gum for an hour in the morning ate an average of 67 fewer calories at lunch and didn't eat anything else for the rest of the day.

Dr Catherine Melanson, an associate professor of nutrition at the University of Rhode Island, explained that there is a theory that chewing stimulates cells in the chin, which are related to the areas of the brain that control people's satiety. So chewing increases people's satiety. Therefore, when you want to eat, chew a piece of sugar-free gum and let your chin move for a while, which can also consume 1 1 calories. Hey, better than nothing! )

Smelling food will make your brain think you are already eating!

A study found that people who smell mint every two hours consume 2700 fewer calories a week than usual, which means they lose 1 pound. In other studies, bananas, green apples and herbs have similar effects. Dr Allen Hirsch, director of neurology at the Chicago Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, said that the more you smell these smells, the more you can lose weight. You can put some vanilla candles in the snack drawer or cupboard. When you feel stressed and want to eat, block your left nostril with your hand and inhale only through your right nostril to activate the emotional processing area of your brain. This can help you reduce anxiety and control your appetite.