Lazy father and son poverty alleviation workers came to Fushun poor households to check the situation. As soon as the staff came in, they smelled a pungent smell. When they saw the staff coming, the father and son were still in bed, the father was sitting, and the son was lying directly under the quilt. The house is in a mess. There is a bed in a small house. There are clothes everywhere on the bed, garbage on the ground, and a cat on the bed. There are three dogs in the corner of the ground. What is even more dumbfounded is that there is a red bucket beside the bed, which is actually urine. Even the father and son didn't bother to go out and pee directly in the room. Two people, 1 cat and three dogs are in the room, which tastes disgusting! But the father and son seem to enjoy this state, carefree, and don't feel anything wrong at all!
The cadres angrily denounced the local poverty alleviation cadres for seeing this situation and never getting rid of it again. Ask your father loudly? How old are you? Why not clean the house? ? In the face of the cadres' questioning, my father is very calm, and my son is lying in bed playing with his mobile phone. He is not ashamed at all! Seeing this, the poverty alleviation cadres immediately got angry and reprimanded the father and son for being too lazy. They went out twice a day, never did cleaning at home, and never went out to work to make money. Even the only valuable cow in the family starved to death because it was too lazy to feed it. Poverty alleviation cadres said that if they continue, they will not be able to help them live a good life. However, in the face of such severe reprimand from poverty alleviation cadres, the father and son did not blush at all. On the contrary, I feel that my life is quite good now, leading the subsistence allowance and lying at home every day without working.
Poor people are not necessarily lazy, but lazy people must be poor, which is really lazy for fathers, especially fathers. Isn't it because they are lazy that their son didn't marry and no woman took care of his family? I hope they can cheer up and live a good life!