Automobile oil cannot be replaced by gear oil. Gear oil can't be replaced by engine oil, because the viscosity of engine oil is far less than that of gear oil. When the gear rotates rapidly, gear oil can be well attached to the gear surface, while engine oil is more difficult.
For most car owners, gear oil is generally not changed during maintenance. In other words, the gear oil of the gearbox and the gear oil of the differential are basically maintenance-free. Only under special circumstances, such as oil leakage or mechanical failure, need to change gear oil.
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The use of automobile gear oil is introduced as follows:
Choosing gear oil needs to master two parameters, one is quality grade and the other is viscosity grade. Gear oil, like engine oil, can be divided into mineral oil, semi-synthetic oil and fully synthetic oil. Because the frequency of gear oil replacement is very low, and the consumption is less than that of engine oil, it is recommended to use fully synthetic oil directly if it is replaced.
The first parameter is the quality level. Like engine oil, the internationally accepted quality grade standard of gear oil is formulated by API, namely api gravity. For gear oil, API is divided into six grades, from GL- 1 to GL-6.
Phoenix Net-Don't mix different oils. Not all cars in synthetic engine oil are suitable.
Phoenix net-hyperbolic gear oil is not better in performance, so it must be selected according to the transmission characteristics.