Normal pulse condition
Normal pulse condition, also known as normal pulse condition, also known as flat pulse or slow pulse. Constant pulse is gentle, neither floating nor sinking, neither late nor counting, neither thin nor broad, with even rhythm. Four or five pulses in one breath (one breath and one breath), about 60-90 pulses per minute, should be strong. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that regular pulse conditions generally include stomach qi (calm and gentle, with consistent rhythm), spirit (clear pulse number, no hurry or slow) and root (foot pulse waiting for kidney, if the two-foot pulse is strong and soft, it means that the pulse has roots).
In pulse diagnosis, Chinese medicine also pays great attention to excluding the factors that affect the pulse condition to avoid misdiagnosis. For example, in terms of age, children's pulse is faster than that of adults, and the younger they are, the faster their pulse is; Young and middle-aged people are strong and have a strong pulse; The elderly are weak, and their pulse is slow and late; The pulse condition of adult women is weaker and slightly faster than that of adult men; Thin contacts are a little floating; It is surprising that the pulse is so deep. In addition, the pulse is fast and powerful when traveling for a long time, doing heavy physical labor, exercising vigorously, or drinking, being full and emotional; When you are hungry, your pulse is weak; Climate also has an influence on pulse conditions, such as micro-pulse in spring (spring string), micro-pulse in summer (Xia Hong), micro-pulse in autumn (autumn hair) and micro-pulse in winter (winter stone). As for the "anti-Guanmai" (no pulse is seen at the mouth of the inch, but the pulse is seen behind the wrist joint) and "oblique flying pulse" (the pulse inclines from the ulna to the mouth of the tiger), both of which are caused by abnormal position of the radial artery, and are generally not diseased.
Common disease pulse
Syndrome is closely related to pulse condition. The classification of pulse in TCM is not consistent, and some of them are divided into six categories: floating, sinking, late, counting, deficiency and excess; Others say 2 1 pulse, 24 pulse, 27 pulse or 28 pulse. Common diseases are:
Floating pulse: floating on the skin, gently pressing it, then it will be weak, indicating exterior syndrome, strong for exterior excess and weak for exterior deficiency. Floating tight is wind cold, floating number is wind heat, and floating slow is floating. Floating veins are more common in the early stage of various acute infectious diseases. When pulse floating occurs due to fever, it may generally be caused by the increase of cardiac output, the expansion of peripheral blood vessels, the decrease of vascular elastic resistance and the increase of radial artery filling degree.
Sinking pulse: sinking into the bones and muscles, over-pressing and under-lifting, is the main evidence. The sinking number is internal heat, the sinking late is internal cold, the sinking essence is internal deficiency, and the sinking reality is internal reality. The formation of sinking pulse is related to the decrease of cardiac output, contraction of peripheral blood vessels and increase of vascular elastic resistance.
Slow pulse: slow pulse, less than four times in one breath (less than 60 times per minute). Treat cold syndrome or yang deficiency. Its formation can be caused by increased vagal excitability or atrioventricular block.
Pulse counting: the pulse comes quickly, five to more in one breath. Main heat syndrome. Strength is truth, weakness is emptiness. I believe in heat syndrome, including the whole process of some fever. If the pathogen is in the stomach, the pulse will float; When evil enters the qi, the pulse is flooded or slippery; Evil spirits enter the camp, and there are many pulse conditions; When pathogens spread blood, the pulse is weak or imaginary. Pulse counting can be seen in sinus tachycardia, and the pulse counting caused by infection factors is mostly strong. If there is an increase in myocardial excitability, or because the myocardial strength is weakened, the heart beat is compensated to increase in order to maintain the output per minute. If you see several pulses, you must count them but feel powerless.
Deficiency pulse: refers to emptiness and weak pulse. Deficiency of the main body (physical weakness, reduced ability to respond to diseases). Because qi is not enough to promote blood circulation and blood is not enough to fill the pulse, the pulse is weak and weak. It can be divided into qi deficiency, blood deficiency, yin deficiency and yang deficiency.
True pulse: it should refer to strength, growth and firmness. Subjective argument. Pathogenic qi is abundant and vital qi is not empty, and pathogenic qi and vital qi are fighting each other to make the pulse full and powerful.
Flood pulse: large and powerful, coming and going like a flood. Syndrome of excess heat and summer heat. The big and powerful is the flood, and the big and hollow is the cockroach. Due to the surge of blood due to excessive heat, the cardiac output increases, peripheral blood vessels dilate, systolic blood pressure increases, diastolic blood pressure decreases, pulse pressure increases, and blood flow speeds up, so the pulse is like a flood, and the momentum is surging.
Pulse: Pulse is like a line, thin, straight and soft. Treat all kinds of fatigue, especially yin deficiency and blood deficiency. Or that wet internal resistance of wat. Under normal circumstances, thinness is blood deficiency, and thinness is yin deficiency. It may be that the blood volume is insufficient and the blood vessel fullness is reduced, which makes the blood vessels contract and the pulse is thin. Damp pathogen presses the pulse, and the fine pulse can also be seen, but it must be thin and powerful. Anemia, advanced febrile diseases or chronic wasting diseases can be seen in veins.
Pulse slippery: communication is smooth, such as beads walking. Governing blood, pregnancy, phlegm and food retention. A fertile woman should consider whether she is pregnant or not when her menstruation stops and her pulse drops. This may be due to the increase of blood during pregnancy, relaxation of vascular smooth muscle, decrease of total peripheral resistance, thinning of blood and increase of blood flow. Phlegm diseases such as chronic lung disease, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis and emphysema. Food retention is mostly caused by indigestion.
Pulse stagnation: short and thin, like a knife scraping bamboo, poor communication. I believe in blood deficiency, qi stagnation, blood stasis and essence deficiency, such as chronic diseases, anemia, amenorrhea, liver cirrhosis or visceral blood stasis. It can also be seen in angina pectoris, myocardial infarction and heart failure. Pulse depression is the result of unfavorable circulation of qi and blood. Less blood, serious injury, slow blood flow, can also form astringent pulse.
Chord pulse: long and powerful, meaning the lower end is straight, such as pressing the string. Treat hepatobiliary diseases, qi stagnation and phlegm pain, and malaria. Eye-catching and powerful, seen in hypertension and arteriosclerosis; Phlegm (such as chronic tracheitis, asthma, bronchiectasis, etc. ) generally have slippery veins; Pain in any part of the body, malaria, pulse is also string, Chinese medicine has the saying that "malaria pulse is self-string"; Liver yin deficiency, multi-string and thin pulse; The pulse condition of normal people also has double strings. The formation of chord pulse may be related to the abnormal function of nervous system and affect the contraction of smooth muscle.
Tight pulse: the pulse is tight and sharp, like a rope turning, with strong fingers. Controlling cold and pain. Floating tight is exogenous wind and cold, which is superficial. Sedimentation is the syndrome of internal cold and pain. The formation of tight pulse may be related to the increase of cardiac output, peripheral vascular contraction and arterial tension.
Pulse knot: the slow pulse stops irregularly (irregular pulse interval). Mainly qi stagnation, cold phlegm, blood stasis (including heart disease, premature beats, conduction block, mental tension, etc. ). Those who are depressed in qi have pain in the chest and hypochondrium; People with cold phlegm will have chest pain, nausea, blood stasis, chest tightness and tingling in the heart, dark lips and dark tongue. Zhang Jingyue thinks; The formation of knot pulse, "mostly due to the gradual decline of qi and blood, energy is not continued, so it is broken and complex, broken and complex." There are many ordinary people for a long time, and there are many people who are exhausted. " However, it is not uncommon for qi and blood to stagnate and phlegm to accumulate, which leads to impassability of pulse channels and unfavorable blood circulation.
Pulse generation: the pulse is intermittent regularly, stopping at a fixed number and recovering for a long time (some stop at a fixed number and come back after stopping). The main symptoms are fright, pain, weakness of dirty qi and deficiency of qi and blood (seen in many heart diseases). The intermittence of pulse generation has certain regularity, and the interval after intermittence is longer than that of junction pulse. Pulse generation is generally caused by weak operation of dirty qi and blood, but pulse generation can also be used if palpitation disturbs qi, or pain causes qi inversion. Myocardial injury and second degree atrioventricular block can also be regarded as pulse replacement.
Pulse acceleration: pulse condition has no definite number (fast). Excess heat with yang (including myocarditis caused by infectious diseases, heart disease, premature beats and atrial fibrillation caused by other reasons). ), stagnation of qi and blood, phlegm and food accumulation. Promote but not harm body fluids. Atrial fibrillation or tachycardia with early contraction often leads to accelerated pulse.
When taking the pulse, we should also pay attention to the following questions.
(1) Multi-images are common: single pulse is rare in pulse diagnosis, and most of them are mixed with several pulse conditions, such as floating number, slow sinking, thin string sinking and slow sinking. These concurrent pulse conditions must be combined with other diagnostic data to judge the exterior and interior, cold and heat, deficiency and excess, and rise and fall of the disease.
(2) The choice of pulse condition and syndrome: When the pulse condition is inconsistent with the syndrome, we can consider "giving up the pulse with the syndrome" (that is, giving up the illusion of pulse condition and taking the real syndrome as the diagnosis basis) or "giving up the syndrome with the pulse" (that is, giving up the illusion of syndrome and taking the real pulse condition as the diagnosis basis). For example, acute heart pain, deep pulse (see painful shock), when the pulse is broken; Stomach fullness, weak pulse (caused by spleen deficiency), so it is necessary to follow the pulse without syndrome. Under normal circumstances, the pulse condition should be consistent; Under special circumstances, we must comprehensively consider removing the false and retaining the true.
(3) Four diagnosis combined with reference: The diagnosis can't rely solely on pulse-taking, but must combine the four diagnosis with reference. Don't ask about the illness, just make a subjective judgment based on the pulse.
(4) We should not treat the law of six zang-fu organs (inch, Guan and ruler) mechanically and invariably, but make a correct diagnosis of the disease according to the pulse condition and referring to other three diagnoses.