What does a general eye examination include?

General examination of eyes, including the examination of ocular adnexa and anterior segment.

(1) The examination of ocular adnexa includes the examination of eyelid, conjunctiva, lacrimal apparatus, eyeball position and orbit.

① Eyelid examination: Generally, examination and palpation are carried out under natural light. Main observation results:

Whether there are congenital abnormalities in eyelids, such as eyelid defect, ptosis, ptosis, etc. Abnormal eyelid skin, such as redness, swelling, heat, pain, subcutaneous emphysema, lump, etc. Abnormal eyelid position, such as comparing the width of bilateral eyelid fissure, whether there is entropion or entropion of lower eyelid; Eyelid margin and eyelashes are abnormal. Examination of lacrimal apparatus:

Including lacrimal gland and lacrimal passage. Check whether there is a lump in the lacrimal gland area, pay attention to whether the lacrimal punctum is everted and blocked, whether there is redness, tenderness and fistula in the lacrimal sac area, whether there is secretion overflowing from the lacrimal punctum when squeezing the lacrimal sac, and check the lacrimal secretion and whether the lacrimal passage is narrow and blocked with an instrument.

② Conjunctival examination. Pay attention to the color, smoothness and transparency of the conjunctiva, and whether there is congestion and edema, nipple hyperplasia, follicles, scars, ulcers and new masses.

③ Examination of eyeball and orbit. Attention should be paid to the size, shape, position and movement of the eyeball, and there should be no random nystagmus.

(2) Examination of anterior segment of eyeball. Including examination of cornea, anterior sclera, anterior chamber, iris, pupil and lens.

① Corneal examination. Pay attention to the size transparency, surface smoothness, neovascularization, curvature and perception of cornea.

② Scleral examination. Pay attention to whether the sclera has yellow staining, nodules, congestion and tenderness.

③ Anterior chamber examination. Pay attention to the depth of anterior chamber and whether there is turbidity, hematocele, pus and foreign body in aqueous humor.

④ Iris examination. Pay attention to the color and texture of iris, whether there are new blood vessels, atrophy, nodules, cysts and adhesions, and whether there are iris root disconnection, defect, tremor and swelling.

⑤ Pupil examination. Pay attention to the size, position and shape of the pupil, whether there is exudate, organic film and pigment in the pupil area, and whether there is direct light reflection, indirect light reflection and near reflection in the pupil.

⑥ Crystal inspection. Pay attention to the transparency, position and existence of the crystal.