Infants and young children refer to children aged 0-3. At this stage, if the establishment of intestinal flora is delayed or abnormal, intestinal related lymphoid tissue will mature and intestinal barrier cells will increase adverse reactions; Normal intestinal strain of infants and young children has laid a good foundation for lasting and healthy intestines. Therefore, the balance of intestinal flora in infants is the key factor of intestinal health.
Natural delivery: Natural delivery can promote the establishment of normal intestinal flora in infants. Natural childbirth is not a sterile process, but begins with the birth of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus. A few hours later, the bacteria in the external environment were quickly planted in the intestines for the baby. Babies are at risk of food allergies and respiratory infections. Breastfeeding: Male milk contains more than 200 kinds of human milk oligosaccharides, which can promote the properties of intestinal probiotics. The ratio of Bifidobacterium and lactic acid lactic acid lactic acid lactic acid lactic acid lactic acid lactic acid lactic acid in breast milk is more than 90% of the total number of bacteria. These probiotics can reduce the pH value of feces, thus inhibiting the growth of pathogenic bacteria.
Appropriate supplement of probiotics: Experienced BMW will use probiotic products to help maintain the baby's intestinal plant balance. How to choose probiotic products? The International Federation of Probiotics and Probiotics Science stipulates that "under controllable conditions, they must survive under controllable conditions, have proven health effects on the target population, have clear microbial monomers or mixtures, and are safe". For example, mothers and the like, with Bacillus and male bacteria, are resistant to high temperature and have long-lasting activity, and play a role. In short, children are the two fastest growing ages and have a lot of nutritional support, so good digestion and absorption ability is very important, and the balance of intestinal flora is the key factor of intestinal health. If good intestinal health is established in infancy, immunity can be greatly improved and the risk of infectious diseases can be reduced.