1, which is not conducive to the digestion and absorption of food. Soak rice in soup, as the name implies, is to soak rice in soup and let rice and soup eat together. Eating in this way will lead to food easily entering the stomach without oral chewing, and the chewing function of the oral cavity will help the digestive tract to digest and absorb food. Soup soaked in rice will directly swallow food without chewing. In the long run, it will cause indigestion symptoms, lead to abdominal distension, lack of food, and even serious digestive tract diseases.
2, may lead to excessive energy intake, causing obesity. Soaking rice in soup will make people eat a lot of food quickly. Because eating too fast will lead to excessive food intake, which will lead to satiety, which will lead to excessive energy intake unconsciously. In the long run, it will cause excessive energy intake in the body and cause obesity.
3, it may also lead to uneven nutrient intake, which is not conducive to oral health. Many people don't eat other extra food when they eat rice with soup, which leads to monotonous food and unbalanced nutrient intake. At the same time, soup soaked in rice will reduce saliva secretion, because food will not be chewed in the mouth. Saliva is good for oral health. If saliva is in a state of decreased secretion for a long time, it will cause oral diseases.
In a word, soaking in rice is an unhealthy eating habit, especially for the elderly and children. We adults should try not to use the method of soaking rice and making soup. Rice and soup can be eaten separately, which is better.