(1) central control button
1. Body Electronic Stability System
By default, it is open. Generally, it is not recommended for the owner to shut it down manually. Under extreme driving conditions, the system can effectively prevent the vehicle from losing control.
2. Parking radar/image
This button turns on the panoramic image and radar function, and can check the surrounding obstacles for the owner through alarm and intuitive feedback.
3. Automatic parking
When stopping at the traffic lights, after releasing the brake pedal, the automatic parking function will lock the wheels and relieve the fatigue of the owner's feet. When the owner steps on the accelerator pedal again, the electronic parking will unlock the wheels.
4. Automatic start and stop
During a short stop, the engine will be turned off. Once the foot leaves the brake pedal, the engine will ignite again.
5. Internal/external circulation
Internal circulation refers to the closed circulation of air inside the car, and external circulation refers to the exchange and replacement of air inside and outside the car. Generally, the internal circulation is started under the condition of blockage or bad external air environment. When the internal circulation is used for a long time, it should not be more than one minute, and it should be changed to external circulation to prevent air quality from affecting health (except for the harsh external environment).
(2) the door key
The driver's seat of modern pilots;
① Window lock button
② One-button window lifting control switch
③ Outside rearview mirror adjustment switch
④ Central locking button (door handle)
(3) Roof button
① sunroof switch
The light is on.
③ Turn off the lights.
(4) Light door switch