1, the communication mode of traditional media and the paradox in the new environment. The communication mode of traditional media is a classic mode of "sender-content, channel-audience". In this model, the communicator is clear and in the position of controller, and the content is produced by the communicator; The audience is passive, based on statistics, a large number of relatively unified, vague and difficult to identify groups.
In the industrial society, the rise of mass media has brought earth-shaking changes to people's lives. However, in the new environment, facing the development of new media, the traditional media model has produced a paradox: in the case of information expansion, in order to include more audiences, the media can only increase the input of content and channels; The increasing content and channels make it more and more difficult for information to influence the audience, and the value of information decreases and becomes redundant information. The communication mode based on industrial social values is bound to have its own paradox that cannot be solved. In China, communicators rarely disappear or decrease, and information is in a stage of rapid growth.
3. The communication mode and characteristics of new media. Different from the disseminator center of traditional media, in the new media communication mode, disseminators gradually hide their identity and become an A, and a large number of organizations and circles form a content gathering place where audiences produce their own content. The audience can communicate in a circle, and they can spread information directly without a communicator. In this case, in order to win the audience, the communicator must become the editor of the content produced by the audience.