What are deep sleep and shallow sleep?

Deep sleep is a part of sleep, accounting for only 25% of the whole sleep time. Simply put, deep sleep means that your brain is no longer active and is in a state of deep rest. The quality of sleep depends mainly on the length of deep sleep.

In people's sleep time, light sleep and deep sleep alternate repeatedly. People's normal sleep generally consists of shallow sleep period, deep sleep period and shallow sleep period, which are repeated for several cycles. Light sleep is characterized by easy waking up and still active brain activities, such as dreaming. Too much shallow sleep means poor sleep quality.

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The basic rule of expanding normal sleep should be followed by everyone, if this most basic rule appears disorder. According to the results of the sleep instrument, normal people sometimes have no eye movement or only slow floating during sleep for a long time; But sometimes the eyeball moves back and forth quickly for a relatively short time, and the EEG changes are different when the eyeball moves slowly or quickly.