The emperor is Daoguang, and the two sons are Yi Yi and Yi Xin. Only these two sons of Daoguang meet the requirements for establishing a bank, and they are completely different.
Yixin has been a leader among many sons since he was a child. He is both civil and military and has his own unique views on the country. However, Yiyi is no match for Yixin in literature and martial arts, but he has a more strategic vision. He moved the emperor through filial piety. Moreover, the strategy was very effective and was liked by the emperor. On the contrary, CreditEase's talent seems to be a show-off and can't please Daoguang.
Later, Daoguang became ill, and it was time to make a choice. He called his two sons to bed and asked them a question to test them. Let them talk about the strategy and method of governing the country. This problem happened to be one's specialty, so she began to talk about his future ideas of governing the country in internal affairs, diplomacy, military affairs and westernization. Yi Yin, on the other hand, stood by and kept his mouth shut about the methods and strategies of governing the country, but he wept bitterly and said to Daoguang, "Long live Emperor Ama, and he will recover soon. Please don't worry that these problems will aggravate his condition. "
For the answers of the two sons, Daoguang naturally separated. He would rather cry in front of his bed as a sign of filial piety. His behavior moved him very much. Perhaps from Daoguang's heart, he has already faced such a big inheritance problem. Yiguang can still consider my safety. Although he was weak, he had a kind heart, so he was given a blank sheet of paper.