Hikers, like other outdoor sports enthusiasts, are also called "donkey friends".
technical/technological specification
1. Hiking can be said to be an important part of hiking, so the first thing to pay attention to is the health of your feet. Change your socks and wash your feet every day during the trip. You shouldn't wear new hiking shoes, because they will be harder and cause discomfort to your feet. It is also important to wear two pairs of socks to protect your feet. If your journey is difficult, you must wear hiking shoes. Neither cloth shoes nor leather shoes are the best hiking supplies.
2. Keep a certain speed, don't walk too fast or too slow, and the first day's journey should be short, and don't exceed 15km.
Walking along the path, creating new roads and taking risks for no reason will only bring danger to everyone. Don't walk along the stream, because it will disappear with the groundwater. In addition, the sudden rainstorm will flood the river, which may make it impossible for hikers walking in the stream to escape.
If the activity is held in hot summer, in order to prevent a lot of water shortage caused by fierce sun exposure, you can rest as much as possible at noon.
5. If it is necessary to explore or catch up at night, you should wear bright clothes and flashlight, and face the vehicles that may come ahead.
6. Don't forget the road you've traveled. It's important to lose your way.