Will wearing rimless underwear sag?

Wearing rimless underwear will not cause sagging breasts.

1, the patented technology without rims can keep the straight effect, and at the same time let us enjoy the feeling of zero restraint without rims.

2. From the point of view of healthy wearing, rimless underwear is the best choice for women. For MM with large cups, we can balance the needs of support and stability, and choose a rimless bra at the right time.

3. It won't oppress the mammary gland, which avoids the unsmooth operation of the meridians caused by the oppression of the liver meridian of traditional Chinese medicine, that is, the lymphatic downward and outward and axillary reflux of western medicine are blocked, which will cause problems such as mammary sclerosis and mammary duct diseases.

4, physiological period and participation in sports, it is best to use rimless underwear, which can better protect the breasts.