The growing period reminds you that your child's rice bowl needs attention and how to eat it.
There is no bad food, only an unreasonable diet.
According to the dietary advice given in the Dietary Guide for China Residents, people should eat about 60 tons of food in their lifetime, and childhood occupies the first 10 years of life, so parents should be more cautious. Eating is such an important thing that you can't take it seriously.
The golden ratio on the dining table
How to eat 60 tons of food?
Some children are vegetarian, some children are unhappy without meat, some children have a full meal, and some children eat less and eat more.
And these habits are unconsciously developed by parents.
From now on, please remember the following groups to help you and your baby master the best food collocation method.
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Morning: Middle: Night = 3: 4: 3.
Eat 30% breakfast because the body has just woken up, the appetite is not high, and the digestive ability is in a "preheating state", but it is necessary to ensure nutrition and provide the energy needed for learning in the morning.
You can eat more lunch in moderation, because children have more activities during the day and consume more energy.
Eating less dinner is because there is relatively little activity after dinner and less energy demand. Eating 7 points full is also good for children to sleep.
Energy ratio of three meals a day