(1). Peace. Book toast: "I am not the only one who will not be healthy if I serve virtue." Confucius said, "The son of heaven is not virtuous, so I can't protect the people." "History of Han Dynasty Xuandi Ji": "The world is steaming salty." Yan Shigu's Note: "Kang, Anye." Tang Wujing's "Zhenguan Politicians": "In a few years, Hainei Kangning and Turkic shattered." (2) health. Book Hongfan: "Five Blessingg: First, longevity, second, wealth, third, corning, fourth, virtue, fifth, he died in the senior high school entrance examination." Kong Chuan: "No illness." Song Luyou's Notes on the Old Learning Temple, Volume 4: "Cong Jiutang Zhong Jun, 856 years old, is extremely Kangning."
Word decomposition
Kang's Interpretation Kang ā Peace: Recreation (? )。 Kangping kangning Empty, empty: radish is healthy. Broad: broad. Kangqu (a road extending in all directions) is disease-free: healthy. Recover. Kangtai health. Abundance: well-off. Kang nian's surname Radical: wide; Ning's interpretation of Ning means peace and stability: tranquility. Quiet. Let things go smoothly. Married women or children who leave home go home to see their parents: Ning Qin. Motherhood. Guarding parents' funeral, funeral leave: "The parents of former doctoral students died, giving them three years of peace". Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, China. Jane of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China