The main benefits of noodles are as follows:
Contrary to popular belief, noodles don't cause obesity. Eating noodles won't make you gain weight, but cheese, cream and gravy wrapped in noodles will make you gain weight. Noodles are good for keeping weight, especially for being included in the diet. There are three main reasons:
First, noodles are low in calories and absorb a lot of water during cooking. 100 grams of noodles will become 400 grams when cooked.
Secondly, noodles have the characteristics of suppressing appetite, because noodles are digested slowly in the stomach, which makes people feel full for a long time and is not easy to get hungry.
Third, noodles can decompose fat, because noodles contain no fat, which can keep insulin at a normal and stable level, thus making blood sugar stable for a long time.
* Don't forbid diabetics to eat noodles. It turns out that diabetics have always been forbidden to eat noodles. Now, doctors not only allow them to eat noodles, but also advise them to eat noodles.
* Noodles are a typical food that athletes can choose, because athletes need food that can store calories for the body for as long as possible. Noodles are one of the most important foods that can undertake this mission, because noodles can provide necessary glucose for athletes' muscle work. In addition, the glucose contained in noodles can reach the liver and muscles and be stored for later use, especially during long-term high-intensity training. Because the cooked noodles contain a lot of water, it will also make athletes thirsty. Noodles will not make athletes feel bloated, which is very important for athletes to invest in training and competition with a clear mind.
* Noodles contain a certain amount of protein, but they are not high-quality protein, because this kind of protein lacks a very important amino acid. Therefore, noodles alone can't guarantee the body's demand for protein, and other foods such as cheese and meat must be used to supplement protein's deficiency.
* Noodles are an important source of vitamins and minerals, containing vitamins B 1, B2, B3, B6 and B9 necessary for maintaining nerve balance. At the same time, it contains calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and copper.
Noodles also contain some cellulose, because noodles are made of hard wheat and whole wheat flour. Unlike white bread made from gluten-free wheat, bread made from refined white flour lacks many nutrients. In other words, the nutritional value of noodles is higher than bread.
Noodles also have the following advantages:
1. Noodles contain no cholesterol and only a little fat before cooking. After cooking, the fat disappears completely. Therefore, noodles are suitable for patients with high cholesterol.
2. Noodles can't make people smarter, but they can make people more awake and more focused, because they can slowly and regularly deliver glucose to the brain.
3. The nutrients contained in noodles before and after cooking are different. 100g noodles before cooking contain 1 1g water, 12.5g protein, 7 1g sugar and 1.2g fat. When cooked, these noodles contain 7 1g water, 4g protein, 23g sugar and zero fat.