Chromium is harmful to human health.

1, on the skin: when the skin is scratched and comes into contact with chromium compounds, it will cause damage. The incidence of chronic skin ulcer is high, which is mainly related to contact time, skin allergy and personal hygiene habits. Chrome sore mainly occurs in hands, arms and feet, but it can happen anywhere as long as the skin is damaged. Nail roots are exposed places, which are easy to accumulate dirt, and the skin is most likely to be damaged, so these parts are also easy to form chrome sores.

2. Respiratory tract: The common occupational disease of respiratory tract exposed to chromium salt is chronic rhinitis. The early symptoms of this disease are nasal mucosa congestion, swelling, dry nose, itching, bleeding, decreased sense of smell, increased mucus secretion, frequent sneezing and so on. Then the nasal septum erupted. The eruption site is generally at the anterior and inferior end of nasal septum cartilage 1.5cm, and there is no obvious pain.

3. Eyes and ears: Eyelids and corneas exposed to chromium compounds may cause irritation and ulcers. Symptoms are conjunctival congestion, foreign body sensation, tears and tingling, and impaired vision. In severe cases, corneal epithelium may fall off. Ulcer caused by corrosion of eardrum and external ear by chromium compounds only happens occasionally.

4. For gastrointestinal tract: it can cause thickening of oral mucosa, edema and yellow scab, nausea and vomiting, sometimes bloody, severe abdominal pain, hepatomegaly, severe circulatory failure, unconsciousness and even death. It's better to be careful ~