Why should the healthy development of humanities establish a reasonable and just academic?

Why should we establish a reasonable and just academic system for the healthy development of humanities within academic unity?


Within the same body of scientists in the humanities, it is also necessary to establish a reasonable and fair academic system and an academic system followed by scholars, so that scholars can conduct academic research activities in a fair, open and free academic environment. In this regard, humanities workers are required to follow some basic principles and codes of conduct of scientists, have an academic openness consciousness of "eclecticism" and "learning from others", and constantly have equal dialogue and concern with scientific colleagues or scholars in other disciplines. A reasonable system of academic research in the humanities also opposes anyone's monopoly and monopolization of scholarship and truth, and opposes all forms of "academic hegemony" or "academic valve" to suppress and deny the academic work and achievements of academic colleagues or scholars in other disciplines. Academic disputes and differences among humanities scientists can only be solved through equal discussion, contention and comparison, but not through administrative power or academic authority.