If you can ejaculate, it is normal for erectile ejaculation to exceed 1 min.
First of all, we should understand the sexual reaction process of normal men. That is to say, after men are sexually stimulated, it is a complex, continuous and complete physiological process from sexual arousal, penis congestion and erection, orgasm arrival, sexual tension accumulation to ejaculation, which can return to normal state.
According to the investigation of some personality experts, the ejaculation time is less than 7 minutes in most areas of China, and it is more than 10 minutes in a few areas.
Too short erection or too fast ejaculation is a problem we often encounter. So, how long should a man ejaculate after inserting his vagina? There used to be such a misunderstanding that a long time is the standard of "macho man", and the longer the erection time, the more fierce it is.
The longer the erection time, the congestion of prostate and perineum may cause local discomfort, such as prostatitis. Therefore, the longer the erection time, the worse.
If a man continues to erect for more than 4 hours in sexual life but does not ejaculate, there may be an organic problem of abnormal erection of penis.
As mentioned above, Bian Xiao said so many details that everyone should understand them clearly. Usually, we should know more about men's health, and at the same time, we should also care about whether our physique will be healthy.