Be alert! Honey is fatal to babies!

Honey is a nutritious food, but it is fatal to babies. Clostridium sporogenes contained in honey is a big threat to the baby's immune system. This article will discuss the harm of honey to babies and help parents to better protect their health.

The baby's immune system is very fragile.

The baby's immune system is not fully developed, and its resistance to bacteria and viruses is weak. Clostridium sporogenes in honey can produce botulinum toxin, and the baby's stomach acid can't kill it, which may lead to dyspnea, muscle weakness and even paralysis.

Fast honey for babies under one year old.

For the sake of baby's health, the American Academy of Pediatrics strongly recommends that babies under one year old avoid eating honey. Symptoms may appear within a day or two after ingestion, but sometimes it takes longer. When adding sugar to your baby, you may wish to choose fresh fruit or sugar-free baby food.

Choose healthy food

Protect the baby, start from the details! In order to avoid children eating too much sugar, parents can choose fresh fruit or sugar-free baby food. These foods are not only nutritious, but also more conducive to the baby's health.