Stay away from internet cafes and grow up healthily.

Cherish life and stay away from drugs.

Drugs, an evil spirit that devours personal life and future, obliterates a brilliant civilization. It is flapping its rotten wings, flying over that painful history and coming to you and me. It is destroying people's body, poisoning people's spirit and destroying people's desire for survival. How many families are separated, how many young people's future is ruined, but now, we will no longer be silent, please say no to the poisonous demon! .

Common drugs are opium, heroin, marijuana and so on. Drugs enter the human body and do great harm. First, it damages the function of the brain and heart, and then it affects the blood circulation and respiratory system, making the body weak and even leading to death.

Many people take drugs, and at first they just "try" with a "fun" attitude. In fact, the bad thing is this "attempt". Because once a person takes drugs, it is difficult to quit, and after a long time, he becomes addicted. When drug addiction attacks, it is as light as dizziness and vomiting, as heavy as cutting the skin with a knife, and ants gnawing at bones and stabbing their hearts with needles. It is miserable and they just want to die. This is really a temporary indulgence and a lifelong regret.

There was once a story about a boy who was immersed in love. He has a happy family and lives a carefree life. However, one day, he went dancing in the ballroom with some "friends". One of his "friends" gave him some "sugar pills" and told him to come often in the future. He really did it. Gradually, he found himself taking drugs. However, it is too late. As a result, he gave up on himself and got deeper and deeper in the sea of poison. He had no money and was afraid to ask his parents for it, so he and his "friends" stole and robbed everywhere. In a group fight, he accidentally killed someone and was put in a juvenile detention center ... this is a tragic experience of a teenager who is only 14 years old. Imagine if it weren't for drugs, his future would be better. He could have been admitted to a good high school, studied in a good university and found a good job. However, now he has nothing, his future is dim because of drugs, and his future is dim because of drugs. Drug addicts not only tortured his body, but also distorted his soul and ruined his future. Some people also want to quit drugs, but it is easier to get infected than to quit. Everyone has seen it on TV. As long as drug addiction comes, if you don't take drugs, the pain is worse than death, which is unbearable for many strong-willed people. I have seen on various anti-drug posters that some people even use various methods to divert their attention, some people cut themselves with knives, some people hit their heads against walls, and some people put toothbrushes into their nostrils. . .

Students and friends! Drug abuse stands for "death". Let's act! Put an end to drugs and stay away from drugs! Don't let "death" hurt us.

It's up to you to keep the fat water flowing.