Prepare your own meals If you say that you are not particularly busy at work, you can prepare the meals you need to eat the next day one night in advance, so that you don't need to be too busy the next day. If I rent a house, I suggest planting some vegetables on the balcony. Like some onions, they grow very easily, and they are also very energetic. It will be more convenient if it is your own home, even if it is some green vegetables or other cuisines, no one will say it. This is relatively speaking, many vegetables are very easy to grow and do not need too much soil requirements.
Stay away from junk food. If you want to make your life healthier, first of all, you must stay away from take-away, snack and usual junk food. In fact, in cities, many people pursue organic vegetables more, which is totally unnecessary. Vegetables usually bought in the vegetable market are enough, and there is no need to spend too much money on organic vegetables. The most important thing is that everyone can cook by himself, and only cooking by himself is the most reassuring.
Don't eat out at will. Bian Xiao often sees some people on the Internet saying that when they order takeout, there are bugs in the takeout, or it is sour and smelly. This is a very common phenomenon. Especially when the weather is hot now, if things are not put in the refrigerator in time, it will easily lead to decay. Therefore, I suggest that you don't order takeout or eat at the stalls outside. You can eat properly in winter, but in hot summer, food can't be stored.