Item classification /4
Find out different kinds /5
Find contacts /6
Local and global /7
Compare size, length, height and quantity /8- 1 1.
Count/12- 13
Identification number 1-5/ 14-23
Number of writes /24
Order of numbers /25
Understanding circles, squares and triangles /26
Distinguish between up and down, front and back, positive and negative /27-29
Get an overview /30
linguistic competence
Understanding the Chinese character "One to Nine" /3 1-35
Know the Chinese character "Mountain Stone Field Earth" /36
Know the Chinese character "Sun, Moon, Fire and Water" /37
Know the Chinese character "Population Hand" /38
Know the Chinese character "eyes, ears and tongue" /39
Learn the names of the four seasons /40
Learn vehicle name /4 1
Name of articles for daily use /42
Learn the name of the fruit /43
Learn the names of different places /44
Learn the name of food /45
Learn the names of animals /46
Look at the pictures and say sentences /47-50
Write your name /5 1
Say a word /52
Classic story: Bunny /53-58
scientific exploration
Understanding trees, flowers and crops /60-62
Physical characteristics of animals /63
Understand the buoyancy of water /64
Understand the raw materials of food /65
Understanding Wood and Steel /66
Know day and night /67
Understand the weather changes /68
Know about transportation /69
Understand military weapons /70-7 1
Understanding emergency calls /72
Understanding landmark buildings /73
Understand the scientific and technological inventions around you /74-75
Know the direction /76
Safety and health care department
I will wash my hands by myself /78
White teeth /79
The weather has changed /80
Cute little shoes /8 1
I will sleep by myself /82
I like drinking boiled water.
Oh! Dinner is ready! /84-85
There is a rabbit on my luggage.
Be a brave man /87
I am so happy to slide down /88
Dangerous sharp objects /89
Occlusal appliance /90
Pippi's house is on fire /9 1
Many rides /92
Make friends with dogs /93
Mimi's house is really lively /94-95