What does the train ticket contain?

Summary of all information in the train ticket:

Train number, departure time, departure place, destination, ticket gate, seat (car number, seat number), seat type, fare, passenger's name, ID number, ticketing channel, ticketing area, train station code, bottom code, friendly reminder, anti-counterfeiting QR code and ticket identification.

Extended data:

Design reason:

1. There are many trains from the origin to the destination. It is more important for you to know which train to take.

2. The only process before buying a ticket correctly is to wait in the waiting room. The reminder to passengers in the waiting room is often "Attention, passengers of XX train, the train from the origin of XX to the destination of XX has started to check in, please queue up at the ticket gate of XX", which shows the importance of XX train yard information. So, I put it in the first position in the upper left corner of the main content area.

3. The seat number is the most important information after checking in, and it belongs to "consumption" information like the number of trains, that is, it is only valid after entering the station and before taking the right seat. But it is this process that determines whether the user can find the correct position of the carriage quickly and efficiently. In order to distinguish this important information, I put it in the upper right corner of the main content.