How to distinguish trans fatty acids in food
2017-05-2214:19 health first line
How to identify trans fatty acids in food? Many enterprises "scratch the edge" on oil, such as "margarine", "margarine" and "margarine". These additives that sound completely unrelated to trans fats are actually the transformation of "hydrogenated vegetable oil". Let's learn how to identify trans fatty acids in food.
How to distinguish trans fatty acids in food
How to tell whether food contains trans fats? Yang Yuexin said that everyone must get into the habit of reading food ingredient labels and nutrition labels carefully when shopping, which is the best way to protect themselves. If the ingredients contain margarine, shortening, hydrogenated vegetable oil, partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, hydrogenated fat, hydrogenated vegetable oil, solid vegetable oil, ghee, artificial ghee, etc. Then food contains a certain amount of trans fat.
Fan Zhihong said that while paying attention to the ingredients on the food label, we should also pay attention to whether these ingredients are in front or behind (generally, the order of raw materials on the food ingredient list is arranged according to the amount added). If these ingredients containing trans fats are "on the top", then be careful, there must be many "disadvantages". If these raw materials rank behind seven or eight, then don't worry too much.
In addition, many foods (especially imported foods) now have nutrition labels. You can notice that under the column of fat, the trans fat content of each serving of food or100g of food will be clearly written. If the trans fat content per100g food is less than 2g, it is considered to be relatively healthy. If this value is 0, so much the better.
In addition to buying packaged food in supermarkets, everyone should pay more attention to eating in restaurants. If you find that the oil in cooking or stewing is particularly viscous and easy to solidify, you need to be especially vigilant. It may also contain a lot of trans fats.
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