Why is a healthy body a guarantee of success?

From beginning to end, humanists always try to establish a naturalistic and psychological value system, and try to deduce a value system from human nature without resorting to authority other than people themselves. There have been many such theorists in history, but from the universality of actual effects, they all failed.

These theories are not suitable as theories, and most of them are based on some or other psychological assumptions. In fact, all these theories can be proved to be hypocritical, inappropriate, incomplete or lacking in some way.

However, with the development of psychology of science and technology, we have the possibility of self-confidence for the first time. As long as we work hard enough, it is possible to establish a value system that originated from human nature.

Although some problems are not perfect, we know how to criticize those old theories, and we know the form of the theory to be established. Most of us also know where to go and what to do to fill the gaps in knowledge.

Only in this way can we answer these old questions: "What is moral life? What is a moral person like? How can we educate people into people who expect and like to live a moral life? How can we cultivate children into virtuous adults? Wait. "

In other words, we believe that scientific ethics can be established, and we know how to set about it.

A large number of research experiments show that if there are enough objects for animals to choose freely, it can be seen that all kinds of animals generally have the natural ability to choose beneficial foods. Studies have proved that this wisdom of the body can generally be preserved under abnormal circumstances.

For example, animals whose adrenal glands have been removed can maintain their vitality by readjusting their own food choices; In order to meet the needs of fetal growth, pregnant females will adjust their food well.

Now we know that this appetite is by no means perfect wisdom, and it is impossible to do it alone. For example, thinking about the body's demand for vitamins can illustrate this point. When encountering poisons, lower animals can protect themselves more effectively than higher animals and people.

The choice habits formed before can completely cast a shadow on the current metabolic needs. Moreover, in most people, especially mental patients, all kinds of forces can poison the wisdom of this body, although this wisdom will never be completely lost.

This general principle is completely consistent with the famous homeostasis experiment, which is correct not only for the choice of food, but also for other physiological needs.

It seems obvious that all living things are more capable of self-management, self-regulation and automation. Organisms deserve great trust, and we are learning to firmly trust the inner wisdom of infants and young children. For example, we all trust babies in choosing food, weaning time, total sleep, time for training and controlling defecation, and the need for activities.

However, we also know that there are good and bad choosers, especially those who are physically and mentally ill. We have realized, especially from psychoanalysts, that there are many hidden reasons for this behavior, and these reasons have been duly respected.

In this respect, we have an amazing experiment, which is full of axiological significance. When chickens are free to choose food, their ability to choose food that is beneficial to them is completely different. Good choosers will become stronger, taller and more dominant, which means they will get the best things. If poor choosers are forced to eat the food chosen by good choosers, they will find that poor choosers become stronger, taller, healthier and more advantageous than before, but they will never reach the level of good choosers.

If we can do similar experiments on people, then it is necessary for us to reconstruct many theories. As far as the theory of human value is concerned, it is not appropriate to describe the choice of people who have not been selected directly according to statistics. It is also useless to average the choices of good and bad selectors, and the choices of healthy and sick people.

In the long run, only the choices, feelings and judgments of healthy people can tell us what is beneficial to human beings in the long run. The choice of mental patients can tell us at most what is good for maintaining the stability of mental illness. The choice of brain injury can only prevent catastrophic collapse, while the choice of adrenalectomized animals can save themselves from death, but this choice is fatal to a healthy animal.

This is a reef that sinks the values and morality of most hedonists. Happiness inspired by pathology and happiness inspired by health are not equal.

In addition, any ethical principle must consider the fact of physical differences, whether it is chicken and mouse, or human beings, the reason is the same. As confirmed by Sheldon and Morris, some values are the same for all healthy people; Other values are different for everyone, only useful for a certain kind of people or special individuals.

However, specific needs will produce specific value. The basic needs may be the same for all people, so they are the common values of human beings.

Individual essential differences produce values, that is, individual essential differences lead to preferences for self-culture and all aspects of the world. These studies support and are supported by the general experience of therapists in individual differences. This is also the actual situation of ethnographic data. These data show that because of exploitation, oppression, approval or disapproval, each culture only chooses a small part of the human body potential series, thus clarifying the significance of cultural differences. This is completely consistent with biological data and theory and self-realization theory. They confirm that the organ system insists on expressing itself. In short, active and muscular people like to use their muscles.

Indeed, in order to realize self-realization, we must make use of them, so that we can achieve harmonious, depression-free and subjectively satisfactory activities. This is a very important aspect of mental health. People with intelligence should use their intelligence, people with eyes should use their eyes, and people with the ability to love should have the impulse and requirement of love, so that they can feel healthy. Intelligence clamors to use them, and only by making full use of them will their noise stop. To sum up, intelligence is a need, so it is also an inherent value. The relationship between the two is so close, and the value is different with different intelligence.