How to take a bus from Chengkou, Chongqing to Dazhou, Sichuan?

If you want to ask for a direct flight, you can go directly to the local (Chengkou) long-distance station for consultation. .

If you change trains, there is a bus from Chongqing Caiyuanba Long-distance Station to Dazhou. A person is about 65. . Generally, it runs at 1 hour, sometimes within half an hour in the middle. . 3 hours arrival week:)

I don't know from Chengkou to Wanyuan. . There are many cars from Dazhou to Wanyuan, and there are also many cars and trains. If you take a bus from Chongqing to Guangzhou. When you get off the bus, you have to take a bus to the North Railway Station (the place where you get off is the South Railway Station), and it doesn't cost much to take a taxi. There are also many buses going there. There seems to be a train to North Station at the entrance of South Station. I remember wrong. Don't blame me? I don't go back often, and I haven't been there many times. Hehe, I can only help you so much.