Acute serous tenosynovitis:
Also known as rheumatic tenosynovitis, it is a part of systemic rheumatism and a reaction of acute rheumatic fever. The patient has high fever, joint pain, swelling and edema, and the most important pathological change is rheumatic myocarditis. After the fever had gone down, the serous fluid of tendon sheath oozed and absorbed, and tenosynovitis healed itself.
Stenosing tenosynovitis:
This type of tenosynovitis mostly occurs in extensor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis longus tendon sheath, which is called stenosing tenosynovitis of radial styloid process, and the flexor tendon of thumb or finger is called trigger finger. Although synovial fluid secreted by synovial membrane of tendon sheath plays a role in lubricating tendon sheath, repeated rubbing is inevitable in some special actions, such as carpentry, lifting, restaurant waiters, manual operators and so on. Because the tendon sheath acts as a pulley, the friction is the largest and it is also the easiest to be damaged, which is manifested by the thickening of the tendon sheath, which affects the normal activity of the tendon. Stenosing tenosynovitis may also be the result of static or subclinical collagen diseases.
Acute fibrous tenosynovitis:
Acute fibrous tenosynovitis is also called friction synovitis. The lesion is located in the connective tissue around the synovium, with edema, congestion and infiltration of white blood cells and plasma cells. This disease is characterized by a soft fricative sound, which is caused by the friction of connective tissue fibers around edema tendons. The most common part is the upper part of the wrist, which is characterized by the extensor carpi radialis longus, abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis, which are most easily produced, also known as torsional tenosynovitis.
Tuberculosis tenosynovitis:
This tenosynovitis is caused by tuberculosis infection. First, it invades the synovium of tendon sheath and spreads from palm to forearm along the radioulnar bursa through carpal tunnel. Tendon sheath is thickened by infiltration of tuberculosis granulation tissue, and there are yellow exudates and yellow rice grains in the sheath. Gradually the tendon was infiltrated by granulation tissue to form nodular hypertrophy, which lost its original smooth dynamic function. When granulation tissue invades other tendon sheaths and nerves, it can cause finger and sensory disorders.
Acute suppurative tenosynovitis:
It often happens after trauma, especially puncture injury, which mostly happens in wrist and flexor tendon. The early stage of infection was synovitis of tendon sheath, and then the tendon lost its luster, turned gray or green, and was infiltrated and necrotic by pus. The most common is staphylococcus, followed by streptococcus.
The above is the classification of tenosynovitis introduced by experts from the Second Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University. Do you know that?/You know what? If you are a computer family and use the mouse for a long time, you should be careful. Experts remind that playing mobile phones for a long time is also easy to cause tenosynovitis. It is necessary to make moderate phone calls and play mobile phones to avoid tenosynovitis. I wish everyone good health.