Do bank face brushing and self-service machines radiate heavily to pregnant women?

The topic of radiation affecting maternal and child health has never stopped, but mobile phones, televisions and computers seem to have become essential items for the public. Although these electronic products have radiation, the electronic radiation is still within the safe range for ordinary people, but pregnant women need special attention. So, is bank face brushing a big radiation to pregnant women? Does the bank self-service machine radiate heavily to pregnant women?

Generally speaking, the paid products have some radiation more or less, so the bank's face brushing machine also has radiation, but the radiation of the bank's face brushing machine is much smaller than that of mobile phones and computers, and the bank's face brushing time is relatively short, which generally does not affect the baby. Pregnant women should not be too nervous, thinking that contact with electronic products will affect the baby in their bellies.

Bank self-service machines will also produce radiation. In a sense, the bank self-service machine can also be regarded as a computer. However, pregnant women will not have long-term contact, only occasional contact will not affect the health and growth of the fetus, so pregnant women do not need to worry, but remember to keep a certain distance from the bank self-service machine.

In fact, the degree of damage caused by radiation during pregnancy is directly proportional to the time. As long as it is not exposed for a long time, the impact is not great. However, if pregnant women receive a lot of radiation during pregnancy, it will not only make their skin aging very quickly, but also make their embryos stunted, which will increase the probability of miscarriage.