The fragrance of rice and flowers in Wugang symbolizes reunion, auspiciousness, happiness and friendship. Therefore, Wugang people will fry rice flowers on holidays, weddings and birthdays. When the guests leave, the host always presents two or four even-numbered rice flowers, wishing the guests good luck and a pleasant journey, which also shows that he attaches importance to the guests.
Daohuaxiang is not only the food culture but also the folk culture of Wugang. It is an essential auspicious food for Wugang people to celebrate the New Year and happy events, symbolizing good luck and celebration. Its circle is like a "full moon", which means that the day is complete, the career is complete, and everything is complete; Through speculation, it expands and develops, which means that the people get rich and everything develops. Therefore, every time Wugang people explode popcorn, they look at the popcorn that is gradually expanding in the pot. They like to ask curious children. Did they succeed? Children often pick out the words of their elders, and they are quick-talking: Mao! Sent! In this way, the two deafening words "hair" made the festive atmosphere in the room as strong as smoke and could not be dispersed.