But the nursed back to health of mixed hemorrhoids and anal fistula is basically the same. Try not to sit after discharge, lie down and walk less; Can't drink, can't eat spicy, can't eat seafood; Eat more fruits and vegetables every day, and remember to drink more water (at least one and a half bottles a day), which is conducive to keeping the stool thin and soft and conducive to defecation. If the stool is dry and hard, causing anal pain, please ask the doctor to prescribe some drugs to soften the stool.
Soak in liquid medicine every day (the medicine should be prepared by the doctor after discharge). Before the wound is completely healed, the water must be boiled and cooled before use.
The rehabilitation of mixed hemorrhoids takes about 30~40 days;
Anal fistula takes a little longer, depending on the size of anal fistula. Normal takes about 60 days, and full recovery takes about half a year or even a year.