Contents of oral health handwritten newspaper

The contents of the oral health handwritten report are as follows:

Measures to prevent dental caries:

1, brush your teeth in the morning and evening, and rinse your mouth after meals. Brushing teeth can remove dental plaque, soft dirt and food residues, and gargling after meals can also remove food residues in the mouth and keep the mouth clean.

2. Local use of fluoride to prevent dental caries. Fluorine is an essential trace element for human health. Proper intake of fluoride can reduce tooth dissolution by acid, promote tooth remineralization, inhibit the growth of oral microorganisms and prevent dental caries. Dental caries prevention measures are suitable for high-risk population in low fluoride area, suitable fluoride area and high caries incidence area.

3, pit and fissure sealing to prevent pit and fissure caries. Pit and fissure sealing is the most effective method to prevent pit and fissure caries of permanent molars. Pit and fissure sealing technology is painless, non-invasive, safe and simple. The best time for pit and fissure sealing is when children's crowns are completely erupted and dental caries have not yet occurred. Generally, the first permanent molar is 6-9 years old and the second permanent molar is 1 1- 13 years old.

Bad habits:

Bad oral habits are mainly aimed at children. If bad oral habits are not corrected in time, it will cause dentofacial deformity. Children's bad oral habits mainly include mouth breathing, biting fingers, biting hard objects, biting lips, bad tongue habits and unilateral chewing. , as follows:

Don't brush your teeth twice a day for three and a half minutes each time; Don't rinse your mouth after meals, especially after eating fruit, which reacts with saliva and has a greater corrosive effect on teeth; Some children have bad habits such as biting hands and pencils, which will cause periodontal tissue damage and cause some systemic diseases.

Mouth-opening breathing is mostly due to airway obstruction, sinusitis, rhinitis, adenoid hypertrophy and other diseases, which will lead to airway obstruction, and then lead to mouth-opening breathing. The habit of breathing with open mouth will cause maxillofacial deformities such as narrowing of upper dental arch, protrusion of upper teeth and retraction of lower jaw.