In genetics, genes can be divided into dominant and recessive types. If both parents are carriers of dominant genes, their children have a 50% chance to inherit dominant genes and show corresponding characteristics. If both parents are carriers of recessive genes, their children also have a 25% chance to inherit this recessive gene and show corresponding characteristics.
In addition to gene types, parents' gene expression patterns also affect children's characteristics. For example, if one of the parents suffers from a certain disease, the risk of their children getting sick may increase. This is because the disease may be caused by the interaction of multiple genes, one of which may come from one of the parents.
In short, parents' genes have a great influence on children, including gene composition and gene expression. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle as much as possible, reduce the risk of illness, and at the same time pay attention to the genetic situation of yourself and your partner in order to better plan the future of your family.