Dr. Ajay Drenthe
INFJs is an "old soul". Many people think they are smarter than predicted by their age when they grow up. I discovered the value of introverted intuition in my early years, and INFJs gradually believed its judgments and opinions. Even in childhood and adolescence, INFJs can provide advice and consultation for their friends, siblings and even adult family members. When they help and inspire others through their own insight, they often feel the fastest and most satisfied.
Due to the power of intuition (and the corresponding separation from physical reality), many INFJs report that they feel like aliens in the world. One INFJ called her experience "an eternal feeling of deja vu", while others reported that they felt incomplete. In fact, many IntJS (and IntJS) seem to be very different from other types of INTJs in terms of the world and their own bodies. Therefore, it is not uncommon for INFJs to question its own reasons.
Infj personality image
I see that everyone has two people. What they see is a public figure, that is, the shell that others see. But more importantly, their Ni provides people with a deeper feeling or impression, penetrates the appearance and reveals hidden motives and intentions. So INFJs often feels that he can see more clearly than those people.
In order to fully understand INFJs, it is necessary to realize the full meaning of their dominant function Ni as a perceptual function. In other words, INFJs's heart is far less serious than its appearance (ENJS's main function is to judge, and its characteristic is more serious). INFJs's inner world is described as naughty, imaginative, colorful, naughty and bold. They like to play with ideas, opinions, theories, images, symbols and metaphors.
INFJs also likes listening to music, watching movies and TV, and socializing with people. Perhaps most importantly, they like to spend their time in meaningful conversations, which allows them to participate in the functions of nickel and auxiliary iron at the same time. Talking gives INFJs the opportunity to help and inspire others through their insights. Because of their talkativeness, INFJs may sometimes be mistaken for extroversion.
An iconic feature of IntJS (and INTJs) is its deep concern for quality. They are eager to see their ideals realized in material reality. Please consider the following excerpts from this book: My Real Type:
Color pays attention to the appearance of things, while Ni pays attention to the deep quality and essence of things ................. ……InCs pays more attention to the appearance of things, and they pay more attention to the internal quality and technology of things ... to ensure that things are substantive and meticulous, and meet the taste of Ni-Se in other ways. NFJs, in particular, shows the most exquisite (or other types may think expensive or pretentious) taste of all types. The popular TV comedy Fraser is a good example. Most of the humor in the play revolves around the complex snobbery of ENFJ and his brother niles (INFJ). This includes showing off language forms and elegant vocabulary, and often mentioning food, classical music, brand-name clothes and so on.
Like INFP, INFJ can also fight depression. This may be due to a long-term unheard of, useless or misunderstood feeling, or it may be due to INFJ occupation or INFJ relationship. Because Ni's view of the world is so different and profound, INFJs often feels lonely and isolated, even when they are with others. Depression may also be because I feel that my ideals and opinions are not recognized and realized in this world. They may think that the world is deaf or indifferent to the truth they support. Therefore, INFJs may question their value in a world that is indifferent to their opinions.
INFJ personality type is the rarest among 16 types, accounting for only 1-2% of the total population. Different from male-dominated interjections, INFJs has a higher degree of gender equality, and the number of men and women is almost equal.
INFJ Personality Type Development and Functional Stack
Every personality type likes to use four of the eight functions first described by Jung. These four functions constitute a "function stack". The relative preference intensity of these four functions is: dominant, auxiliary, third and second. The first choice for INFJs is nickel, followed by iron, titanium and selenium. This is described in the arrangement of their functional stacks:
Function stack of INFJs
Dominance: Introverted intuition
Auxiliary: extroverted feeling
Third: Introverted thinking
Below: Extraversion induction
Although we will discuss each function in more depth soon, now we will turn to another feature of INFJs personality-their type development. This is true for all types, and the type development of INFJs includes three general stages. These stages roughly correspond to the order of function stack, Ni is the first flowering function, Fe is the second, and so on. But as we will see, low-level functions are a special case, which attracted the attention of INFJs at an earlier stage than expected.
The first stage (childhood)
In early life, INFJs is characterized by developing and guiding their internal intuition (Ni). Because they are introverts, they may also show the remarkable development of their second function, extroversion (Fe), which can be used as a useful extroversion tool to navigate the outside world. Ni-Fe function allows INFJs to make and express judgments. INFJs is particularly able to read and evaluate people, including their potential motives.
Because Ni is an perceptual function, INFJs should not be considered closed at any time during its development. But in the first stage, they may appear too stubborn or closed-minded, at least on the outside. Even if their judgments are accurate in advance, the first stage INFJs may lack some insight about whether and when to best express these judgments. In addition, their ferronickel conclusions have not been honed by their third-generation titanium, which makes INFJ even more reluctant to carefully review or modify them.
The second stage (adolescence-30 years old)
Once the dominance function reaches a certain intensity and dominance threshold, INFJs's inferior function extraversion perception (Se) will enter the screen and begin to play a more influential role. This may be confusing, because the lower level is not the next development object in the function stack. The improper influence of inferiority complex stems from its bipolar relationship with the dominant function. As I have discussed elsewhere, low-level functions are the chief culprit of unwise career and relationship decisions. Unfortunately, its influence reached its peak in the second stage of genre development, which happened to be the time when INFJs made a life-changing decision on their career and relationship.
In addition to the existence and influence of low-level functions, INFJs has begun to open and hone its judgment through its three-level function-introverted thinking (Ti). Their titanium logic is used to cross-check and improve their judgment on ferronickel. As INFJs develops their Ti, they also become more interested in exploring their secondary function, Extroversion Perception (Se).
The third stage (30, 40 years old and above)
The third stage is a stage that many people have never reached or completed, which is characterized by trying to understand and integrate the three-level and low-level functions. By bringing these weak functions into the light of consciousness, we can better imagine that we are on a complete road. To do this, we need to know how these functions appear in our types, and we need to know more about our personal unconscious behavior patterns. Once these patterns become obvious, they can be replaced by healthier thoughts and behaviors. Decision-making and behavior become more and more wise and conscious, resulting in lasting satisfaction and integrity. For INFJs, personal growth in the third stage needs to explore the nature and challenges of Ti and low se in the third stage.
INFJs's Leading Function: Introverted Intuition (Ni)
Intuition is usually considered as a subconscious process. This is usually in contrast to more conscious rational thinking. Because intuition is usually associated with the unconscious, it is usually considered to have some magical quality, and it can suddenly give a comprehensive answer or solution-"unexpected"
One of the core characteristics of intuition is the ability to synthesize information. It is sensitive to patterns and similarities, and can quickly see the relationship between different data. By observing how everything is related and interrelated, it can distinguish between universal laws and structures.
The dominant types of intuition, including INFJs, are interesting. For non-intuitionists, this intuitive process is basically unconscious, and it is easier to approach and observe in consciousness. This is especially true for IntJS and INTJs. Their intuition comes directly from the heart, not from the outside. INJs was lucky enough to witness and consciously participate in a mysterious process, which is completely unconscious to other types of people.
Because Ni makes INFJs have a closer relationship with what most people call subconscious operation, the daily life of INFJs usually presents a fantastic quality. For INFJs, there is no difference between their ordinary waking state and their sleep experience. Sometimes, this may make it difficult for people to distinguish between dreams and reality, and make such nightmares even more disturbing. No wonder many Japanese, including Jung himself, find the analysis of dreams so interesting and important.
Because they can get subconscious or subconscious information at any time, INFJs is usually regarded as profound, insightful and sometimes even spiritual or prophetic. Although it does not weaken the unique ability of INFJs, Ni can be a rational non-magical term.
In order to understand Ni, we need to understand the next function of INFJ, extroversion perception (Se). For INFJs, Se plays a role in the subconscious and constantly collects a lot of sensory information from the environment. At the same time, their Ni has been processing and synthesizing these input data, just like assembling a puzzle. Finally, it tries to build an impression or vision of what is happening. Because other types of people don't understand how this Ni-Se processing cycle works, INFJs's opinions seem magical or sacred. In fact, INFJs can't see the future, but it can identify what will happen in specific situations more accurately than most people. This enables them to better imagine how things will develop if they continue along the current route. This ability to "see" accurately is the reason why INFJs is sometimes described as a prophet or prophet.
It is often said that human beings are more dependent on vision than other senses. This is especially true for INFJs, who often attribute strong visual elements to their Ni. INFJs often "thinks" through images rather than words. Their intuition is usually expressed in the form of symbols, images, dreams or patterns. This is consistent with Jung's description of Ni-type people as dreamers or prophets. These concepts have obvious visual characteristics, which is why the terms related to vision-foresight, insight, foresight, foresight and so on. -always used to describe INFJs. The visual function characteristics of Ni may also be related to the lower Se of INFJs, which is also the higher visual function. The difference is that Se adapts to the details and details of the environment, while Ni is more concerned with forming an impression or theory of what is happening according to the overall incoming sensory information.
INFJs's tendency to visually process information may contribute to one of their obvious advantages: reconciling opposites. One advantage of visual processing is that it has no rules or obstacles like voice processing. In some cases, using images or symbols instead of other ways may solve the problem better. Jung himself praised the value of images and symbols, which we should not be surprised. For Jung, symbols are very important for dealing with paradoxes, including the challenge of reconciling the psychological function of opposites, which he called "type problem"
Auxiliary function of extraversion sensation
INFJs uses extraversion sensation (Fe) as an auxiliary function. As the most interpersonal function of all functions, Fe tends to investigate and improve interpersonal relationships and morale. Like other FJ types, INFJs is committed to cultivating "goodwill" in interpersonal environment. In order to investigate other people's feelings, Fe helps INFJs read emotional expressions and body language. This, together with their selenium and nickel, enables them to read, understand and communicate effectively with others.
Interestingly, INFJs will have more difficulties in perceiving and understanding their emotions. This is because their sensory function is outward (that is, outward) rather than inward. The sensory function of INFPs is introverted. Unlike INFPs, INFPs does not have the ability to manage emotions independently. Internally, they involve two currencies: intuition (Ni) and thinking (Ti). Therefore, when INFJs find themselves in an emotional environment, they often seek help and support from others.
Life also needs the extroversion of judgment. INFJs uses their lives to express their thoughts, feelings, opinions and dissatisfaction. Fe gives sound and shape to influence Js's feeling and intuition. In many cases, INFJs didn't fully understand the essence of Anne's insight until he had a chance to express it. They may have a hunch or intuition, but the content of intuition may be a little vague until it is expressed through their lives. Assuming that they are not strictly censored when they grow up, INFJs is usually willing to share their feelings and opinions. In fact, if given the right opportunity, INFJs often talks about their feelings and intuition in detail. Different from FP type, they usually prefer dialogue form, and INFJs prefers monologue, which makes them fully enrich their thoughts on a certain topic.
Strangers may behave differently from their close friends. INFJs always looks happy in a larger group, which is part of their good feeling. Many INFJs have a good sense of humor, which may be very interesting and attractive. Using their vivid imagination and metaphorical skills, they can also become excellent storytellers. However, in the company of close friends, INFJs uses their lives to express their dissatisfaction more openly and directly. Because some INFJs feel like tortured souls, their comments may have a typical negative tone. They may seem moody, pessimistic, dissatisfied or depressed. When they are immersed in steel-like emotions, their communication seems quite intense. Therefore, their expressions may appear exaggerated, dramatic or irrational, especially for thinking types. In this respect, they are different from INFPs. INFPs doesn't like long speeches very much. INFJs is also prone to feel sorry for itself and regard itself as a victim. They may curse the fact that life is unfair and feel that they always end in failure.
For INFJs, expressing themselves through their lives is very important for their physical and mental health and happiness. Even if they can't solve the problem at hand immediately, once they express their feelings, whether through words or tears, they will feel better. This is especially important for INFJs partners or friends. Although it is not necessary to find someone else to solve their problems, INFJs values emotional support, empathy and comfort. Without such an exit, INFJs will start to feel isolated and depressed, and turn to his inner fantasy world as a way to escape. Although fantasy may help in the short term, it will make the real world look even more unbearable and aggravate the existing setbacks in life.
Even unlike EFJs, INFJs can be warm, friendly, loyal, dedicated and self-sacrificing. At the same time, as introverts, they need time to recharge. This has led to a continuous, even lifelong, INFJs struggle, trying to balance the needs and desires of oneself and others.
INFJs usually experiences a value conflict between nickel and iron. For example, friends or relatives may ask them to donate money to causes they don't believe in. This puts them in a difficult position to make a decision between respecting their own opinions (Ni) or keeping their relationship harmonious (Fe). Because INFJs can be hard to refuse, they often choose to help others, even if they regret doing so. INFJs may encounter similar problems at school. INFJs tends to question the truth of what teachers or other students say, not to mention personality problems. However, at the same time, they want to please teachers and maintain external harmony. This may make them feel in a dilemma between being loyal to the truth (Ni) and pleasing Fe people.
Because of the strength of iron, INFJs needs to be careful not to give up nickel when facing external pressure. Because Ni is the best and most reliable compass for them to navigate their lives, when they lose track of it, INFJs easily feels lost, uneasy and depressed. So when making decisions, INFJs is wise to mainly listen to his inner voice.
INFJs's Third Function: Introverted Thinking (Ti)
International telephone numbers and introverted thinking are their leading functions. For INFJs, Ti is three levels, which are used to logically test and hone their Fe judgment. Ti can help people to think more critically and analytically. It can help and check their Ni-Fe, and help them determine that their ideas may conform to the existing knowledge categories and frameworks. It adds a logical element, which was not obvious in the early stage of their type development. For example, INFJs who grew up in a religious family may tend to explain their views from the perspective of their childhood belief tradition. However, when they develop their own Ti, they may question whether this wisdom can be better understood from the psychological point of view.
INFJs may think that a negative or difficult feature of their Ti is that it is easy to doubt itself. When the opinions provided by Ti and Ni conflict, INFJs may temporarily distrust their most cherished and utilized cognitive way-intuition. But personal growth is never easy, not easy for any type of people. Over time, INFJs found a healthy balance between their Ni and Ti, and intuitively knew how to apply Ti without destroying the insight provided by intuition.
Underdeveloped INFJs may not need to use or develop their Ti. Because their nickel-iron pairing gives them a firm belief in the truth, it seems unnecessary to take additional measures against Ti. However, with the passage of time and maturity, INFJs can adapt to their Ti more and more, and realize its intrinsic value.
The next function of INFJs: External Perception (Se)
Life is the constant pursuit of spiritual development and integration. Typologically, this includes finding a way to successfully integrate the function stack. Of these four functions, secondary functions-sometimes called lost, missing or suppressed functions-are the most difficult to access and integrate. Because it is basically unconscious, it is difficult for all types of people to understand and grasp its essence. In dreams, it is usually symbolically buried deep underground, under the sea or in dark forests.
Although it has unique concealment, it is impossible to achieve spiritual integrity without low-level functions, because integrity requires the integration of four functions. Because we all know this intuitively, every personality type can be regarded as an effort to integrate its inferior functions. Religious and literary myths (for example, looking for the promised land or the holy grail) always symbolize this pursuit. Some comparative mythologists even think that this is a universal human phenomenon (for example, joseph campbell's Monomer or Hero's Journey). In his book, Jung's Four Philosophers and some philosophers Thomas King summed up this pursuit of low-level functions well:
When individuals feel that life is empty; Something is missing. The original sense of purpose disappeared, and a person was depressed and confused. At this point, individuals feel the need for a difficult search for rejected (i.e. low-level) functions ... individuals begin a difficult and unfamiliar journey (for example, "sailing at sea" and "venturing into the forest") to find the missing functions.
Here, Kim describes what we can call "obvious functional fatigue" and the desire for new things. Low-level functions can certainly meet this challenge. Produce an experience different from the mainstream, which is usually described as magic, mystery and even happiness. The profound charm of low-level functions can provide a lot of life energy and motivation. In fact, just looking forward to it can often provide enough energy to support our lives.
Unfortunately, the pursuit of inferiority, let alone integration, is not without difficulties. Doing so usually requires a long-term power struggle between the dominant function and the secondary function (that is, the second stage of genre development), which is difficult to solve without some degree of pain and suffering. Although religious and literary myths correctly put forward that the road to salvation is often revealed through pain (such as "fire training"), this kind of pain can be minimized by understanding and seeking a complete psychological framework. This of course includes learning the underlying functions and how to integrate them correctly.
The next or "missing" function of INFJs is extroversion perception (Se). Generally speaking, their perception ability is poor, which makes INFJs unable to adapt to the specific details or physical elements of life naturally. Although their Se has obtained a lot of sensory data from the world around them, this information is synthesized and experienced through the intuitive lens (Ni). So INFJs doesn't pay attention to the details about people or environment, but prefers to experience what we call impressions. They have a general feeling (intuition) about people or things, such as whether a person looks mentally healthy or unhealthy. Although INFJs are experts in this kind of general impression, they may turn a blind eye to the external details and details (se).
In the process of experiencing the world through Ni's filter, INFJs often reports a permanent feeling of deja vu or a strange feeling that is out of tune with their physical environment. One of our INFJ readers described it this way:
I really just realized that I was a physical person when I was sitting at dinner. In a room, there are many things I didn't realize in the past hour. This may be a confusing and frightening experience.
However, this does not mean that INFJs is not affected by the physical environment. As "highly sensitive people" (HSPs), their nervous system is very sensitive to various stimuli. This may make them more easily overwhelmed or overstimulated than other types of people. In some cases, because their N-S is disconnected, they may not realize that they are overstimulated until it is too late.
For example, I observed that an INFJ person seemed to have a good time at a concert full of flashlights. But soon after the end, she had a weak headache, as if her nervous system had "collapsed". Somehow, it was not until she really lost her ability that she realized that the sensory load was too heavy.
INFJs reported a similar shopping hiking experience. Although they may enjoy it for a while, the continuous use of se (browsing), coupled with the noise and commotion of the crowd, may lead to the overload or exhaustion of the subconscious senses and eventually catch up with them.
In short, INFJs has a subtle relationship with the physical environment. S world not only seems strange and strange to them, but also makes them feel at a loss if they are not careful. This is why INFJs, especially in childhood, is skeptical about new S experiences, such as trying new foods or physical activities. Intuitively aware of their subtle relationship with the material world, they are often "mistakes for security reasons."
However, as an adult, INFJs may gradually open up to the new S experience. For example, I know some INFJs. They are all real "gourmets", and regard every meal as an opportunity to explore and experience new sensory enjoyment. This shows that all types of love and hate have secondary functions. Depending on the situation, a bad functional experience may be considered terrible, nervous, happy or interesting.
Theory of supreme goodness
For INFJs, imagining a more ideal world is not necessarily bad or unhealthy. The truth is, if they don't always accept new impressions and visions, they won't be INFJs. The problem lies not in their dreams themselves, but in the improvement of their persistence or persistence in the perfect realization of their ideal (Ni). This is the outstanding point of INFJs perfectionism.
All dominant intuition may be perfectionism, driven to see their N ideals perfectly transformed into S realities. That's why INFJs is so picky about what they buy or how they work. In some cases, INFJs may be willing to sacrifice everything, even his own health, to ensure that his vision is perfectly reflected. In this case, any deviation from their ideals may feel like the end of the world.
INFJs is also a perfectionist when talking about himself. They tend to be more critical of themselves than others. Their life makes them very willing to forgive others' mistakes and shortcomings. But because they think they "know better", they may not give themselves the same degree of goodwill. They may think that if they can't perfectly embody their ideal of moral life, how can they reasonably expect others? In the words of Jesus, "everyone who is given a lot needs a lot;" A person entrusted with a heavy responsibility will have more demands.