Symptoms of unhealthy urination

As a normal physiological phenomenon, people urinate every day, so it is estimated that few people will pay attention to abnormal urination. In fact, urination hides many health problems. Huang Hai, chief physician of urology department of Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, said that if men have these abnormalities in urination, such as bifurcation, incomplete urination, slow urination, painful urination, and inability to urinate, they must be paid attention to, which is a signal of disease.

1, urine bifurcation

Huang Hai said that male urinary bifurcation can be divided into two situations, one is normal physiological state, such as prostate congestion and just after ejaculation, penis hypertrophy, sudden increase in urine volume, or bladder function problems. , may cause urine bifurcation, but most of them are accidental physiological States.

The other is pathological state, and diseases such as prostatitis, prostatic hyperplasia, urethral stricture, urethral tumor or calculus may cause urinary bifurcation. At this time, it is necessary to actively treat. "It is not surprising that there is occasional urinary incontinence, and you don't have to worry too much, but if this problem often occurs, you should go to the hospital in time."

2. Endless urination

Urodynia refers to the symptoms of micturition after micturition, often accompanied by frequent micturition, urgency and dysuria. Huang Hai explained, "There are many reasons for male urinary incontinence, such as prostatitis, prostatic hyperplasia, lower urinary calculi, ureteral calculi, tumors, inflammatory infections, neurogenic bladder, overactive bladder syndrome, etc."

But the most common diseases in clinic are prostatitis, prostatic hyperplasia and neurogenic bladder. "Prostatitis is caused by prostate congestion. After inflammation and infection, congestion stimulates the end of urethra and the triangle of bladder, which makes the urine feel unclean when urinating; Prostatic hyperplasia mostly occurs in elderly men. Because the prostate gland is enlarged, the urethra is pressed, and the urine and urine are not smooth. Neurogenic bladder means that the detrusor function of bladder is weakened, urine can not be completely discharged smoothly, and there will be a feeling of unclean urine. "

In addition, bladder neck obstruction, ureteral calculi and inflammation are also common clinical causes. No matter what kind of urinary incontinence occurs, it is recommended to go to a regular hospital.

3. Slow urination

"Men who urinate slowly for more than a minute will attract attention. This is either a disease, especially for middle-aged and elderly men. They should learn to distinguish between nerve factors and organic factors, "Huang Hai said. Neurological factors, including mental illness, anxiety and tension, slow down the process of micturition reflex.

The common causes of slow urination caused by organic factors are prostatic hyperplasia, prostatitis, urethral stricture, nerve ladder and so on. Prostatic hyperplasia mostly occurs in the elderly male population, and the urethra is inhibited, so urination becomes slow and even falls out.

4. Dysuria

"Male inability to urinate means that when urinating, there is not enough impulse to urinate like a normal person, so that urination is not smooth." Huang Hai explained that the causes of voiding weakness can be divided into dynamic factors and obstructive factors. Dynamic factors include bladder detrusor contraction weakness caused by overactive bladder and neurogenic bladder.

Obstruction factors include lower urinary tract obstruction caused by prostatic hyperplasia, bladder neck stenosis and urethral stricture. Prostatic hyperplasia mostly occurs in elderly men, and young men cannot urinate. Generally, prostatitis oppresses the urethra, resulting in poor urination. Huang Hai suggested, "Once you find that you can't urinate, you should seek the guidance of a professional doctor in time to find out the reason so that you can deal with the symptoms."

5, there is a tingling sensation in urination, or there is foam.

"There is a tingling sensation when urinating, which is called dysuria. Can occur at the beginning, middle, end or after urination. Often associated with bladder, prostate and urinary tract infections. Bladder and urethral stones may also cause dysuria. "

Huang Hai explained that foaming when urinating does not necessarily mean illness. Because of various reasons, the composition of urine changes and bubbles may increase. The common pathological causes are proteinuria caused by kidney disease, bilirubinuria caused by liver disease, urinary tract infection, diabetes and so on.

These two situations should be treated differently. Huang Hai suggested, "First of all, you should go to the hospital for a urine test to check whether there are bacteria or white blood cells in the urine. If there is none, it depends on its proportion. If it is too high, it may be caused by drinking too little water. It is recommended to drink plenty of water. "