Now there are coconut shell rags on the street, and the price is very cheap. Some people who sell coconut shell rags have just graduated and have a glib tongue, which will soon attract many people to watch. Some people think that coconut shell rags are cheap and mistakenly think that coconut shell rags are harmful to human body. Actually, they are not. Coconut shell rags are mainly used to wipe tables and stains, and will not bring harm to people's health.
Coconut shell rags do not stick to oil, and will not shrink, deform, lose hair and fade easily. This is because coconut shells are rich in oil-repellent factors, so they play the role of oil-free and ash-free, and are a good helper for cleaning family life. Coconut shell rags are best used to clean tables. Try to use other tools when washing dishes, because tableware is in direct contact with people's respiratory tract. Although the coconut shell rag is easy to use, it is not suitable for washing dishes. For people with weak constitution, it is best not to wash dishes with rags.
Coconut shell rags have been widely publicized, and many people think it is a scam. There's no need to be too sensitive. Coconut shell rags are just one kind of rags for cleaning tables. You can buy it if you like it, but you can't buy it if you don't like it.