A healthy appetite

There is an old saying in China that you should eat well in the morning, eat well at noon and eat less at night. This is a lesson left by the ancients, but now most young people seem to have reversed this rule, and basically concentrate their meals at night, which is actually very bad for their health.

First of all, it will cause great pressure on the stomach, and second, it is also a cause of obesity. Personally, I think it is healthiest to eat only seven points full, which is also very medical. First of all, medicine advocates that eating less and eating more meals is good for your health. Therefore, eating only seven full meals a day, even four or five meals a day, is very beneficial to the body, because when you are young, you need to chew slowly, which is conducive to our body's absorption of food nutrition.

Most of the food produced by overeating will be wasted and discharged directly into the intestine. Especially at night, it is not only ok to be full at seven points, but also ok not to eat.

Because they basically rest soon after eating, young people are busy with work now, so they can have some afternoon tea at three or four in the afternoon.

After coming home from work, eat some fresh fruits and vegetables, and then rest early and have a good rest. Medically, it is best not to eat anything between 4 hours and 6 hours before going to bed. Eating a small amount of fruits and vegetables is to make our stomachs less hungry. In fact, after keeping a habit, it will be normal not to eat at night, so that you will have a better appetite in the morning and eat more meals, because breakfast is a day.