Green food refers to pollution-free, pollution-free, safe, high-quality and nutritious food produced with the approval of relevant state specialized agencies according to specific production methods. In many countries, green food has many similar names and appellations, such as ecological food, natural food, Der Blaue Engel food, healthy food and organic agricultural food. Because the word "green" has been used to protect the environment and related undertakings internationally, it is called "green food" in China in order to highlight that this kind of food comes from a good ecological environment and strict processing procedures. 1990 in may, the Ministry of agriculture of China officially stipulated the name, standard and symbol of green food.
Organic food is also called ecological or biological food. Organic food is a relatively unified formulation of pollution-free natural food in the world. Organic food usually comes from organic agricultural production system and is produced and processed according to international organic agricultural production requirements and corresponding standards. In addition to organic food, some derivative products provided by organic food production, such as organic cosmetics, textiles, forest products or means of production, including biological pesticides and organic fertilizers, are collectively referred to as organic products after certification. Organic food is a kind of organic products, and organic products also include "non-food" such as cotton, hemp, bamboo, clothing, cosmetics and feed (organic standards include animal feed). Organic products in China mainly include grain, vegetables, fruits, livestock and poultry products (including milk, eggs, meat and related processed products), aquatic products and condiments.