Specifically, these two people have been studying the intestinal flora, which is a beneficial intestinal flora and can affect everything from digestion to immune system to people's mood.
According to Whitney and Danielle, the microbial community mainly feeds on fiber. Without it, bacteria can't be beneficial or productive, and can't help fight bacteria that have negative effects on the body.
They explained: "The bacteria in the intestine determine everything from immune balance to mood."
The best fiber sources: broccoli, cabbage, potatoes, peeled berries, oatmeal, lentils, seeds, flaxseed, brown rice and oatmeal.
"Its benefits are not only digestion and treatment, but also far more than that; Microbiology affects depression, happiness and anxiety. "
Whitney and Daniel said that it was only in recent years that scientists began to study the real impact of this bacterium.