The calories of Wallace beef burger

Wallace's hamburger is not high in calories. Not only that, the calories of healthy and nutritious fast food can be controlled. Judging from the calories of two pieces of whole wheat bread, only 100 calories, patties 100 calories, plus 50 calories of side dishes and sauces, each Wallace burger is about 250-350 calories. /vcg/creative/a 586 DC 6 C2 EC 2d 45 ECC 4 feb 053 b5 f 1c 97 . jpg

Hamburg, the transliteration of English Hamburger, is a kind of food that originated in Hamburg, Germany and was introduced to the United States. After the improvement of Americans, American hamburgers are popular all over the world and are the main food in modern western fast food.

Hamburg ingredients: chicken breast 150g, two hamburger embryos, two eggs, bread crumbs 100g, chopped onion and ginger 1 spoon, salt 1/2 spoon, cooking wine 1 spoon, lettuce and tomato.